Taegan Goddard’s Electoral Vote Map

2020 electoral vote map

9 thoughts on “Taegan Goddard’s Electoral Vote Map”

  1. I am curious how many leftists’ heads will explode if/when President Trump wins re-election. Evidently learning from past mistakes is not something that most politicians take to heart, particularly on the far left.

    1. Thank you for your insight, Darrell.

      There is an irony of sorts in the the lessons of 2016. National polls tend to be more accurate than state polls. State polls matter more than national polls.

      I don’t sense much complacency this year. On the theory that fear is a stronger motivator than confidence, I’m hoping for as much Democratic anxiety as possible.

      1. Burr, I agree that fear is a stronger motivator than confidence typically. With that said, and the left becoming more extreme in their agenda in kowtowing to Marxist and anarchist movements, all the while calling for a “defunding of the police”, I think you may be surprised to find out how many centrist and right-wing Americans come out to vote against Biden and his fellow travelers this November. These people fear continued and accelerated lawlessness and a collapse of what was a tremendously strong economy for ALL Americans pre-Covid.

        Further, polls of any sort are not likely to catch that sentiment as most people that support capitalism and more historically traditional American values are not likely going to tell their views to pollsters, particularly in the shaming cancel-culture the left has fostered today. I may be wrong, but just wanted to offer my thoughts.

          1. Thank you Mr. Deming. That said, Voltaire had some ideas at which Evelyn Beatrice Hall would be annoyed. The fact that she defended his right to say these things regardless speaks well of her — and of you, sir.

  2. “Evidently learning from past mistakes is not something that most politicians take to heart, particularly on the far left.”

    What mistakes are those?

    “These people fear continued and accelerated lawlessness and a collapse of what was a tremendously strong economy for ALL Americans pre-Covid.”

    This is an interesting rhetorical talking point. I mean, I know this is one of the official avenues the Trump Campaign and Republicans in general are trying to navigate Americans into, but just step back and critically think about this statement. I think, if you consider this statement, you can imagine everyone fears the continued and accelerated lawlessness and collapse of what was a tremendously strong economy. That is such an odd statement to make, seeing as I imagine it’s being said as some sort of alternative or flip-side of a coin that’s opposite of “leftist” fears. I don’t believe anyone cheers for lawlessness and I know no one is cheering for the economic problem we find ourselves in. I mean, if there’s cheering, I haven’t seen it. And I consume a lot of news media. It’s just not a Left v. Right scenario, as it’s being framed.

    No, just think critically for a moment more about that statement. If only the right-wing and centrists, which for some reason are being lumped together, fear these things… it seems such an interesting rhetorical argument on why they should be voting for Donald Trump. I mean… we did not have this ‘continued and accelerated lawlessness’ or collapse of a ‘tremendously strong economy’ until rather recently. As this talking point hasn’t been uttered until people were suddenly concerned about it a couple of months ago. So who’s been running things as of, at least, a couple of months ago? The current President, Donald Trump. So if these people arbitrarily and capriciously lumped together fear this thing that’s only been a concern as of a few months ago, than this rhetorical point should really be insinuating they should vote for Joe Biden to slow or stop this ‘acceleration’. To borrow a metaphor from our previous President- who borrowed it from others I’m sure- The current administration is behind the wheel of this car. They’ve driven us into this ditch. Now they say certain passengers who don’t normally sit next to one another are concerned where the car is heading, so let the current driver that got us into the ditch continue to handle the wheel.

    Honestly, you know what I fear? The lack of critical thinking from a certain small percentage of people that claim a certain side of the political spectrum. Lack of critical thinking and the inability or refusal to accept shades of gray or nuance in life helped guide us- all of us, not just right-wing and centrists- into this ditch.

    “I may be wrong, but just wanted to offer my thoughts.”

    A strong, confident dismount.

    1. Trey,
      Conservatives either love to just give hints of their thinking, or the thin veneer presented is indeed all they have to offer.

      They avoid getting caught up in a deeper analysis that demands mutually agreed upon definitions of terms. We know how the Right plays that game. They alone have the authority to re-define terms to accommodate their belief system. I swear I have no clue as to who “the left” is to them. My guess is the term is rather flexible.

      It’s been my unfortunate experience to learn that critical examination of their assertions and claims rarely elicit a reasoned rebuttal. Conservatism, like its spawn Trumpism, is the answer that cannot be questioned. This is the nature of authoritarianism.

      Stephen Miller made it clear. “The powers of the president will not be questioned.”

      His Orwellian leader also made it clear. “Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what’s happening.”

      I would be very surprised if Darrell would tell us why he thinks most Americans want this sort of leadership and will reelect Trump. Perhaps he thinks most Americans tend towards authoritarianism, aka “Law and Order” as defined by a corrupt racist criminal.

      I may be wrong, but I just wanted to offer my two cents.

  3. “I think, if you consider this statement, you can imagine everyone fears the continued and accelerated lawlessness and collapse of what was a tremendously strong economy.”

    And yet the critical-thinking leftists’ solutions are supporting or partaking in riots, increasing socialistic spending, engaging in propaganda, and intimidating corporations into donating to their political causes (BLM) while defunding the very people that are trying to uphold the rule of law. Critical thinking would suggest that if you fear something coming to fruition, you don’t typically try to do things to exacerbate it.

    ” I don’t believe anyone cheers for lawlessness and I know no one is cheering for the economic problem we find ourselves in.”

    Truly? Maybe “cheer” isn’t the most accurate word, but far too many Americans sure seem supportive and even engaged in destructive riots, physical violence, and the insistence that all businesses and congregations of people be shut down. (Not including the riots… errrr… protests themselves.) The Washington Post and the New York Times have done a tremendous job, along with the other factions in the leftist media of portraying lawless rioters as nothing more than “peaceful protesters” that have simply been high-jacked by outside forces. I call B.S. BLM, the organization, has said that they will use violence and want to “burn it all down”. Do you support BLM, the organization, Trey? If so, you are by default supporting the violence.

    Now the statement of black lives matter is absolutely true and inarguable. But the organization is a Marxist attempt to destroy America.

    “So who’s been running things as of, at least, a couple of months ago? ”

    Good question, Trey. Let’s look at the answer. Of course the federal government has nationally, but that isn’t really the answer. Look at where all of the worst riots and problems are occurring. Almost without exception, these riots are happening in cities and states that are controlled by leftist Democrats.

    Take Portland, Oregon for example. DHS is holed up protecting federal buildings in the city, while rioters continue to torch, smash, and cause harm throughout the downtown area for 50 days straight now. Governor Kate Brown (D), and Portland Mayor Wheeler (D) not only have refused to restore law and order for law-abiding tax payers and businesses but have explicitly refused federal law enforcement help in restoring order. Indeed, they have asked that federal officers leave. Meanwhile rioters even tear down a statue of an elk. A freaking elk! Who knew that elk were the most racist creatures in the forest?

    The same is true in Seattle, New York, Washington D.C. and so on and so on. Those are the leftist people shutting down businesses and the economy while allowing lawlessness to run wild. President Trump has repeatedly offered assistance and been rebuked by these state “leaders”. Eventually he may very well send in officers to quell the violence that the states and cities refuse to address in order to protect life and property.

    “A strong and confident dismount.”

    Typically I don’t like responding to other’s snark; however, this comment allows me to make a point. I may very well be wrong and there may now be a majority of Americans that think socialism, lawlessness, defunding police, destroying statues, and turning us into a northern hemisphere version of Venezuela is a good thing and therefore vote for Biden. I would like to think that there are still more people, which comprise a silent majority of Americans, will want to restore our economy once again through the capitalism that brought record employment for all Americans, including for people of color, while quashing the rioting and lawlessness that the left has allowed to run rampant. Yes, I think there are still more of the latter rather than the former Americans in this country, but I am not arrogant enough to guarantee it. I could be wrong. We will see this November.

  4. “And yet the critical-thinking leftists’ solutions are supporting or partaking in riots (1: Citation needed), increasing socialistic spending (2: Clarification needed), engaging in propaganda (3: Citation needed), and intimidating corporations into donating to their political causes (BLM) while defunding the very people that are trying to uphold the rule of law (4: Citation needed). Critical thinking would suggest that if you fear something coming to fruition, you don’t typically try to do things to exacerbate it.” – Darrell

    First off, I’m glad you’re back at this. I didn’t go to your blog until after my initial response to your comments above. It makes me happy that you’re engaging in these conversations again. 🙂

    Next, your assertions in the above quote confuse me. Re: 1: I see support and partaking of protests. Riots have erupted, but who of note on the left are encouraging the rioting? Also, the riots we have seen can arguably be the genesis of many things; ranging from genuine anger and frustration over general policing procedures to police or bad actors escillating. Re: 2: You’re going to have to clarify what is considered socialistic spending. ‘Cause in the same quoted statement you decry the defunding of the police and our police are currently government run… you know… socialist. So I’m confused what’s the “socialist spending” we’re concerned about now? Re: 3: This one’s a new one. Is it the equating protests as the same as rioters? Or is it simply the depiction of police violence in the news media in general that you’re calling propaganda? Oh, I know. It’s the current Administration ordering, through violence, the dispersement of a civil protest in order to get pictures of the President holding a Bible so very convincingly in front of a burnt out church that didn’t want him there anyways, right? That wasn’t “leftists”, I think you’re confused. Re: 4: Oh, but that’s voting with your dollars. I thought you would be all for people organizing to communicate to corporations in such a fashion. You know, like how “Conservatives” burned their Nikes to express their distate for that company’s support of Kaepernick? Or we can reach back to the Bush Years. I don’t recall you complaining about cancel culture when the Dixie Chicks were driven to obscurity when they disappointed “Conservatives” by having a differing opinion.

    “Truly? Maybe “cheer” isn’t the most accurate word, but far too many Americans sure seem supportive and even engaged in destructive riots, physical violence, and the insistence that all businesses and congregations of people be shut down. (Not including the riots… errrr… protests themselves.)” – Darrell

    Maybe Cheering isn’t the most accurate of words, sure, but I was trying to come up with the opposite of the equally hyperbolic “fear” that you claim “Right-Wing and Centrists” feel when presented with the concept of a non-Trumpian Presidency? No, if you’re going to pit Right-Wing and Centrists against Left-Wing in your Partisan Fantasy America, that’s the opposite side of the coin. Good Christian Conservatives and their Centrist Allies are fearful of competant, effective leadership and the Satanist Liberals and Progressives cheer for and work toward it.

    “The Washington Post and the New York Times have done a tremendous job, along with the other factions in the leftist media of portraying lawless rioters as nothing more than “peaceful protesters” that have simply been high-jacked by outside forces.” – Darrell

    Oh, and I suppose in your Partisan Fantasy America you actually prefer to believe that all of these news outlets are making this stuff up completely? Gone are the days of ‘I’m sure there are good people on both sides’, right? The NYT, WP, CNN, Fox, NBC, CBS, BBC, The Guardian, etc are all just pointing their cameras at the small sections of people just standing around. Like when Omar Jimenez of CNN was just kinda standing there in the middle of the street with his camera crew and the police just came up to him and violated his rights right there on live TV, unplanned. It’s all a vast, liberal conspiracy because as we all know, from the “Right-Wing” protests of a few months ago, you can walk right into State Houses with guns and shout at police officers and nothing will happen to you. Surely these looters and righters are doing it for the sheer thrill of destroying property. At least in Partisan Fantasy America.

    “I call B.S. BLM, the organization, has said that they will use violence and want to “burn it all down”. Do you support BLM, the organization, Trey? If so, you are by default supporting the violence.” and “Now the statement of black lives matter is absolutely true and inarguable. But the organization is a Marxist attempt to destroy America.” – Darrell

    I’m noting your attempt to reframe the conversation and turn into an attack on what you assume are my personal beliefs. ‘The Organization’? Very interesting clarification there. Very interesting. As if my personal involvement or support for ‘The Organization’ matters? Black Lives matter is absolutely true and inarguable. You said it yourself and that’s all that matters. I support Black Lives Matter just as you do, apparently. Admittedly, I’m kind of confused where you get Marxism in the call to organize and demand an end to racial injustice and violence.

    “Good question, Trey. Let’s look at the answer. Of course the federal government has nationally, but that isn’t really the answer. Look at where all of the worst riots and problems are occurring. Almost without exception, these riots are happening in cities and states that are controlled by leftist Democrats.” – Darrell

    No. ‘Leftist’ Democrats? I know ‘Leftist’ is the new ‘Progressive’ and ‘Liberal’. Put an -ist at the end of something and it sounds devious and sinister, right? Maoist. Communist. Separatist. Terrorist. Propagandist. You remember that propaganda thing you were concerned about up above? I’m pretty sure the whole overuse of ‘Leftist’ in current political parlance is a result of the propaganda you’re concerned about. But that’s the Right kind of propaganda. At least I imagine.

    No. Many cities have a Democratic mayor, but not all of them. Framing this as a ‘Democrats run these places, it’s their fault’ scenario is dangerous, disingenuous and demonstrably false. And oh, so incredibly stupid. There were arrests for ‘Rioting’ in Ft. Worth, San Diego, Jacksonville, Oklahoma City, Arlington. So, no. It’s absolutely insane that people are perpetuating this as a ‘Democrat v Republican’ thing. People are protesting violence against black people. It’s the violence against black people that is to blame. Your denial of its existance or of its severity is beyond the point. You’ve already dismissed outside forces agitating these riots, so there’s no point in pointing that out to someone who’s already picked their side.

    “President Trump has repeatedly offered assistance and been rebuked by these state “leaders”.” – Darrell

    Like sending in the Military. Boy, I can’t imagine why that wouldn’t be whole heartedly accepted. Maybe the President should be starting out with some kind words of encouragement to the aggrieved and discouragement of the actions people are upset about? Maybe start with that? Hell, we’ve gone passed caring about riots shutting down businesses, Darrell. Didn’t you hear? We’re sending in unidentifiable federal agents to protect statues and federal buildings now.

    “I may very well be wrong…” – Darrell

    Oh, come on. Just ending your comment with this comes off just as snarky, especially after you’ve framed things that run contrary to your opinion as violent, marxist, anarchist, lawless. Good God, people want to stop dieing at the hands of the police and you frame it as an existential crisis for our entire society. I was snarky because you wrote all that and then ended it what amounted to an ‘Aw gee, shucks, I might be wrong though’.

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