We Got Him!!

found online by Raymond


Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky

From Max’s Dad:

Do we? Really? Just another crime committed by the Thug in Chief, shaking down the Ukrainian President to go get Joe Biden if he wants his missiles “for defense”. Ya know that $400 million? Well I directed my bitch chief of staff to hold that up for now. I also want you to work with my consigliori lawyer and my enforcer Attorney General to get this “favor” done for me.

Goddamn, this guy has always been a mafia boss, running around New York deadbeating out on his bills, putting the screws to government, making racist statements about young black men, bragging about the height of his building as 3000 people lay dead, filing bankruptcy whenever convenient and running a scam foundation that lined his pockets (which may really be why he goes to prison). The fact that normally decent men and women on the right have stood on this hill of toxicity keeping the wolves at bay is really amazing. NOw is when real people step up and say NO MORE!!

Will that happen? I doubt it.

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