If Republicans Were Smart, They’d Help Impeach Trump

found online by Raymond


How would an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump work? (Photo and Photo-link from Raleigh News & Observer)

From Our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit:

Before you spew at the screen and begin typing furiously, bear with me.

As it stands now, the election is going to be a contest with one overriding question: Do you want Trump in for another four years? Regardless how much the Democrats may beat up each other in the primaries, the signs are that the losers will suck it up and campaign vociferously for the nominee. Independents largely seem to despise Trump. Women don’t like him. For minorities, the polls are trending to the point that the margin of error about who doesn’t like Trump will encompass the unborn and the dead.

In sort, all of the other issues, such as climate change or health insurance or immigration or anything else will be shuffled off to the side. Not a lot of people will care about them.

The only way that the GOP can get the issues of the day in the minds of the voters will be to push out Trump. Pence may be a tool, and maybe someone else will be run, but they’ll at least get to fight about other issues. For much as the Democrats then may want yo yell about Trump and what he did, the GOP can say “in the final analysis, we helped get rid of him, so let’s move on.”

Trump has given the GOP a way to do that.

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