OOPS! Fox Anchor Forgets Own Network’s Poll on Impeachment

found online by Raymond

From Tommy Christopher:

Fox News anchor Leland Vittert claimed that “National polls universally say that the American people do not support impeachment” of President Donald Trump, which would be true if not for the existence of a Fox News poll.

On Saturday morning, we reported on the “Buried Bombshell” in the most recent Fox News poll: that only 45 percent of Americans oppose opening an impeachment inquiry, while 47 percent say an impeachment inquiry should be launched.

As it turns out, that bombshell was so well-buried that even Fox News’ own anchors don’t know about it.

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One thought on “OOPS! Fox Anchor Forgets Own Network’s Poll on Impeachment”

  1. Opening an impeachment inquiry and actually carrying out impeachment are two completely different things. Some House Democrats have said that the investigations they’re carrying out right now already constitute an impeachment inquiry, but there’s no prospect of carrying out impeachment itself — that is, drawing up and passing articles of impeachment — in the foreseeable future.

    I’ve always supported carrying out an impeachment inquiry since it would help get more information out there, but opposed actually impeaching Trump since there’s no chance of it removing him (that would take 20 Republican Senators to vote for removal, which isn’t going to happen), and would probably improve his chances of being re-elected as well as endangering the Democrats’ House majority. It’s hardly surprising that much of the public makes the same distinction. Support for an impeachment inquiry may well be around half the population, but every poll I’ve seen shows support for impeachment far lower, and dropping over time.

    The only situation in which impeachment would be a good idea is if opinion among Republican voters shifts against Trump enough to make those 20 Republican votes in the Senate realistically obtainable. That could happen, especially if evidence related to the Epstein case surfaces which proves he was involved in actual child abuse, but it certainly hasn’t happened yet.

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