The One Sin White Evangelicals Couldn’t Forgive Barack Obama For

found online by Raymond

From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

We have seen in white Evangelicals and Donald Trump, a level of mercy they were simply incapable of during the previous eight years.

Yes, he said he could grab women by the pussy.
Yes, he said he “moved” on a married woman, “like a bitch.”
Yes, he said that he “tried to f*ck her.”
Yes, he’d been credibly accused by multiple women of sexual assault.
Yes, he’d been an unapologetic serial adulterer.

A Presidential candidate representing the Christian “Families Values” party with this growing resume of immorality. Certainly, this kind of abject ugliness would have been a spiritual disqualifier, for men and women who were morally offended by President Obama in a tan suit? For a people fully outraged at Michelle Obama’s bare upper arms? For believers indignant at the phrase “Happy Holidays” on a coffee cup?

For Christians apparently sickened by the then President’s supposedly brilliantly-hidden Muslim faith?

Surely Trump’s putrid moral malfeasance would be a deal breaker for faithful disciples of Jesus.


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One thought on “The One Sin White Evangelicals Couldn’t Forgive Barack Obama For”

  1. Or maybe, and hear me out here, “Evangelical” is an apparition? A figment of the imagination of the Media and a delusion that the deluded hold on to to justify their racist, mean, and nasty impulses?

    If Donald Trump has accomplished anything, and yeah this is an accomplishment the same way a drunk accomplishes sobriety by passing out, it’s that it’s put to bed the myth of “the Evangelical”.

    Stop hiding your hatred and mean spirit behind “love” and the Holy Spirit. If these people actually believed what they claimed to believe, they’d be ashamed of themselves. Oh, I guess Trump also accomplished another thing… put to bed the myth that these people have humility. Hypocritical flock, the sheep have strayed far from the shepherd and have fallen in with the wolves.

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