Republican Interrogator Accidentally Stomps All Over Trump

found online by Raymond

From Frances Langum:

Uh Oh! Question To Mueller Blows Up In Republican’s Face
Republican (!) Ken Buck gets Mueller to admit Trump could be indicted for obstruction of justice AFTER he leaves office.

Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado thought he was pushing Robert Mueller into a corner. Heh.

Why would Mueller indict a bunch of Russians but not indict the (so-called) president if he was equally guilty? Isn’t Robert Mueller just “throwing things against the wall” with Trump to see what would stick? Isn’t this just a WITCH HUNT?!?1?

REP KEN BUCK (R-CO): Russian interference. You couldn’t have indicted the president on that and you made the decision on that. But when it came to obstruction you threw a bunch of stuff up against the wall to see what would stick. That is fundamentally unfair.

ROBERT MUELLER: I would not agree to that characterization at all. What we did was provide to the Attorney General, in the form of a confidential memorandum, our understanding of the case. Those cases that were brought, those cases that were declined. And the — that one case where the president cannot be charged with a crime.

BUCK: Okay. but the — could you charge the president with a crime after he left office?


BUCK: You believe that he committed — you could charge the President of the United States with obstruction of justice after he left office?


BUCK: Ethically?

MUELLER: I’m not sure because I haven’t looked at the ethic standards but the OLC opinion says that the prosecutor while he cannot bring a charge against a sitting president nonetheless he can continue the investigation to see if there are other persons drawn into the conspiracy.

JERRY NADLER (off camera): Time of the gentleman is expired.

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