Moving in Mysterious Ways

found online by Raymond

From Infidel753:

It’s become routine for fundies to assert that extreme weather events (and other natural disasters) are punishments or warnings from God. This enables them to account for the increase in such events in recent decades while continuing to reject global warming — God is sending more of them due to the increased normalization of sins like homosexuality and abortion. (One might wonder why we weren’t getting hammered with daily hurricanes back in the days of slavery and the Indian genocide, but reading the Bible shows that God doesn’t consider such things sinful.) Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson notoriously attributed even the 9/11 attack to “the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians”. With hurricane season approaching, we can expect plenty more of this soon.

It seems odd, though, that hurricanes mostly hit the southeastern US, which is the most religious part of the country and the least tolerant of gays and abortion. Why doesn’t God send hurricanes to places like Los Angeles and San Francisco? It would be a more convincing message, since hurricanes don’t naturally occur there.

Veteran arch-wingnut Mark Taylor has come up with an “explanation” which I suspect we’ll be hearing a lot more of.

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