Sunday Sermon: Words Matter, But You Don’t Own the Language

found online by Raymond

From Glenn Geist at MadMikesAmerica:

Whether or not the Love Thine Enemy trope is uniquely Christian or ever practiced, it doesn’t carry much momentum these days with the woke folk. You make someone feel uncomfortable and after 40 years of a virtuous life you still need to be ruined – et in saecula saeculorum, amen. No deposit, no return.

So, Joe Biden is wrong to work with an opponent, because opponents are the devil and immutably evil. Never mind that it produces your desired result or even accomplishes an increment of your goal. What do we want? Everything. When do we want it? Now! Never mind that people have epiphanies, conversions, moments of enlightenment or even slow revelation. They’re just the enemy. We don’t want success, we want triumph and so we fail.

No, it’s not that my halo is at the cleaners, I never had one. I don’t love my enemies, but there’s a degree of acceptance that one will always have them, because that’s how humans are. There’s a degree of acceptance that the man I see as the devil may none the less have a degree of compassion and desire to make things better that can be used to change him while moving toward the better world – and I still, even after three quarters of a century, have hope that our prodigal sons will return.

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