What Have Trump’s Rallies Accomplished?

found online by Raymond

From Jonathan Bernstein:

No president in at least a century has had a greater need to win over new voters. Yet Trump doesn’t even try.

Let’s get one thing out of the way: There’s nothing wrong with President Donald Trump designating Tuesday night’s rally as his “official” campaign kickoff. Trump is unusual in that he formally launched his re-election campaign at the beginning of his presidency, and in holding an endless series of political rallies. But the only difference here between Trump and other first-term presidents is one of strategy. They’re all running for re-election from day one, and many (okay, practically all) of their public appearances are staged with that in mind.

That’s mostly a good thing. Presidents should work hard to be re-elected in their first term. It introduces healthy incentives: Smart presidents will lead with an eye toward winning over new voters and thus strive to govern responsibly. So there’s nothing wrong with Trump overtly campaigning from day one, or with arbitrarily designating one of his rallies as the beginning of a new phase of that campaign.

No, the question is what Trump has accomplished with all of his non-stop electioneering. And the answer to that is pretty simple: Bupkis. Nada. Nothing.

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