Clinton E-Mail Scandal a Symptom of Democrats’ National Security Negligence

found online by Raymond

From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara at Principled Perspectives:

The FBI’s verdict on the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal has Leftists rushing to the conclusion that Hillary has been exonerated of any criminal wrongdoing, so it’s onward and upward to the presidency. For example, the New Jersey Star-Ledger editorial board’s Tom Moran penned consecutive op-eds, Clinton e-mail verdict: It’s bad, but Trump is much worse and Why Hillary Clinton gets a pass, and a common Navy sailor gets jail.

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3 thoughts on “Clinton E-Mail Scandal a Symptom of Democrats’ National Security Negligence”

  1. Whatever you have to tell yourself to make yourself feel better about voting Trump. Sure. ‘Cause Clinton received and replied to a miniscule percentage of emails not properly marked with their classification on a private email server, that means Trump should be President. Got it.

    As an Objectivist, I’d expect Mike to be on board with the Clinton’s rational self-interest in having her private email server. Huh.

    1. For too many people, it seems like Trump could pledge to nuke China and it would still be better to vote for him because of this e-mail issue. Sorry if I care a bit more about what the candidates pledge to do in office than I do about some mistakes from their past.

  2. It’s comforting to know Trump and Republicans are never as “careless” as Hillary and the Democrats about national security.

    Our unending war in Iraq that spawned ISIS was never careless, rash, or based on false assumptions and lies. Trump makes America stronger by demonizing entire classes of people, building walls, and loosing more unaccountable police state tactics. These great leadership and diplomatic skills, along with Trump’s narcissistic “irrational self-interest”, should assure we “make America great again”.

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