Catapulting the Propaganda

found online by Raymond

From Vixen Strangely:

Some of you readers are like me and can remember where I filched the phrase “catapulting the propaganda” from–that was from the Bush Administration. George W. Bush admitted he had to repeat things over and over again for the “truth” to set in in order to “catapult the propaganda”. That word “truth” is a pretty slippery commodity, but the idea of “catapulting the propaganda” pretty accurately described his Administration’s messaging. He let that moment of reality slip while talking about privatizing Social Security, but it more truthfully describes what happened regarding the use of repetition, changing justifications, and outright frauds to create a casus belli for the war in Iraq.

Now, here comes the Trump Administration, no strangers to repeating things that are inaccurate or unclear or perpetrating frauds, talking up the possibility of a threat of war with Iran out loud and in private (looking for their “slam dunk case” perhaps?). Even though our allies indicate that there seems to be no real urgent threat.

All I’m saying is, we have sure as hell been here before, and pretty damn recently, too.

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