Time for Trump’s Attorneys and Enablers to Get Off the Public Payroll!

found online by Raymond

From Jack Jodell at The Saturday Afternoon Post:

Barr is typical of what one would expect in a Trump attorney: undying devotion and loyalty in all matters. He also plays attorney word games to split legal points into a myriad of time stalling points. Trump has oftrn stated that he wants a Roy Cohn-type to help him in his legal matters, which shows how much of a thug Trump is, for Cohn was convicted and imprisoned on perjury charges long ago, and Trump, being both a mobster-in-chief as well as a liar-in-chief, prefers these types of persons to represent him. It also explains why he has kept Rudy GiuLIEani around him as a spokesperson. Rudy may once have been an honorable pracricing prosecuting attorney, but those days have long since passed, and today, he, too, is a partisan hack who has little trouble spouting lies just to stay in the public spotlight and be noticed by the media.

Jay Sekulow, a multimillionaire White House attorney, is part of Trump’s defense tram which is doing all it can to delay any further investigation of the mobster-in-chief, including stalling and dragging its feet on working with any further congressional oversight committees.

But the absolute worst of the bunch is acting counsel Emmet Flood, a savvy veteran D.C. attorney who has represented Bill Clinton during his impeachment ordeal as well as DICK Cheney on a civil suit. He is the perfect attack dog for Trump, and has mocked and belittled the Mueller Report as being a mere “law school exam paper”.

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