
found online by Raymond

From Infidel753:

We can’t afford to risk being divided by whatever objections anyone has to this or that candidate, including the objections I have — and I have several, to some of them. Getting rid of Trump is too important. The inevitable duds who show up in the comments every time a blogger writes a post like this, insisting it’s OK for them to vote third party because blah blah or they simply can’t support candidate X because blah blah or we’re doomed to lose if we choose someone too radical or someone too mainstream or too whatever — those people are AWOL on the D-Day of American democracy. Persuade them if you can — otherwise, forget them, write them off. The rest of us will simply have to work harder to compensate. The worst of the Democratic candidates, whoever you consider that to be, would be a thousand times better than Trump. Let’s get this done.

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