Nobody Knows Anything

found online by Raymond

From nojo at Stinque:

What do we know?

Nothing, really.

We know that William Barr issued a tightly worded letter claiming Robert Mueller found no evidence to support the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russian government, and punting on the question whether Donald Trump’s actions regarding the investigation amount to a legal case for obstruction of justice.

We know that Barr himself is someone a courtroom drama would call a hostile witness, someone whose word is not to be trusted.

We know that in the days following the letter, the Department of Justice issued its own statement promising its own summary, and that Barr promised to provide the full report, but with redactions both legally required and arbitrary.

We know there is no legal requirement to redact anything for certain chairs of congressional committees.

We know the report itself is nearly 400 pages long.

And we know that everybody has been losing their fucking heads.

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