Trump Won’t Criticize White Nationalists Because He Is One

found online by Raymond

From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

Yes, there is a pattern. White nationalists, white supremacists, KKK members, and other racists and bigots love Donald Trump. They love him because he won’t criticize them.

Why? There are a couple of reasons. First, he couldn’t afford to do that. His approval numbers have been upside-down since he was sworn into office. He can’t afford to anger any of his base — and a large portion of his base are the racists.

But perhaps the most important reason he won’t criticize them is because he is a racist and white nationalist himself. He has a long history of this. It started back in the 1970’s, when the federal government admonished him repeatedly for refusing to rent to Blacks. And it has continued to this day as he tried to ban muslims from entering this country, and wants to build a wall to keep Hispanics from entering. His only reliable policy is his racism and xenophobia.

And he’s not going to change.

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