Creepy Flag Love
(Cartoon, Column and Video)

found online by Raymond

Clay Jones is hilarious.
From Clay Jones at The Moderate Voice:

A phony person will overly exert himself to prove he’s something he’s not. The biggest trait of a phony is they’ll find what you like and profess to love it just as much. For example, I might tell you I like Taco Bell and you might say you do as well, or not, but a phony will try to convince you that he loves Taco Bell so much, he moved into a Taco Bell and named his kid Chalupa. Maybe another example would be a Republican who has built his entire image opposing gay marriage but is later discovered in a men’s bathroom stall with six guys and a Barbra Streisand CD.

I love America but I don’t feel the need to dry hump a flag to prove it. Donald Trump, on the other hand, being the treasonous type who has displayed his love for all things Russia and Putin, feels the need to overcompensate by walking onto a stage before an audience and treat an American flag to the point he’s going to need a non-disclosure agreement.

What else can he do to convince you he loves America more than anyone else, seduce a bald eagle?

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