Eleventy-Dimensional Chess From Mitch McConnell

found online by Raymond

From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

Now, the world has changed since 2017, and perhaps the Dims might find some of their vestigial spines and actually go on record with something like being opposed to climate change or being in favor of not killing their constituents via lack of healthcare. And of course, there are Dims like Manchin who are from so-called Energy States and representing their actual constituents means voting against the Green New Deal. I think it’s stupid, but it is true.

And of course there are some Senators deeply beholden to corporate interests, and some of ’em are running (and you know who I mean). Voting present gives them a way out.

Others are bolder:

“Other Democrats said they were eager to show their support for an idea that could differentiate the increasingly crowded Democratic primary field.
“I don’t know what [McConnell’s] intentions are exactly,” said Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.). “But I’m in favor of it,” she said of the Green New Deal.”

This is a sword that can cut both ways, though.

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