Is Congressman Mark Pocan a Global Warming “Moron”?

found online by Raymond

From Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson:

However, even most supporters of Climate Change theory will point out that a single weather event is not evidence for or against that the Earth is going through a period of Global Warming caused by human activity. And, as the Wisconsin State Journal reported on Tuesday about the atmospheric changes causing our current weather pattern, “Some scientists — but by no means most — see a connection between human-caused climate change and difference in atmospheric pressure that causes slower moving waves in the air.”

WISC-TV in Madison, reporting on Pocan’s response to Trump, even quoted a climate scientist contradicting the congressman’s Twitter post. “Northern Illinois University climate scientist Victor Gensini said the cold snap is ‘simply an extreme weather event’ and doesn’t represent the global trend toward a warming Earth,” the television station reported.

However, WISC-TV failed to note the contradiction and failed to ask if the congressman is a moron, too.

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2 thoughts on “Is Congressman Mark Pocan a Global Warming “Moron”?”

  1. Trump: denies global warming because it was cold.

    Pocan: calls Trump a moron for denying global warming because of the cold.

    Wigderson: interprets Pocan’s tweet as “this cold is due to global warming” instead of “cold does not disprove global warming.”

    Hopefully reading comprehension has improved in Wisconsin since Wigderson was in school.

    1. You make a good point, Ryan.

      When Senator John Cornyn splashes down a snowball and says it proves global warming is a myth, you don’t really have to maintain that snow proves climate change. You can simply point out what it does prove. Which is that his constituents and the nation would be better served if he would consent to apply what is in his head.

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