Is Howard Schultz Really A Closeted Trump Supporter?

found online by Raymond

From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

When asked about his agenda, he simply said it was to unite the country — but he could not explain how he would accomplish that task.

While we don’t know what Schultz is in favor of, we do know what he is opposes — covering all Americans with health insurance, raising the minimum wage, and raising taxes on the super-rich (like himself). He has also called the Democratic Party extremist (even though they are much closer to the political center than the Republican Party). How is he going to make his candidacy credible with those beliefs?

With his low public opinion and his lack of a political agenda to helpAmericans, I feel it is fair to ask just what he hopes to accomplish with his Independent candidacy. Is he just trying to help Donald Trump get re-elected? That’s a definite possibility. And it could happen.

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