Trump Chickens Out

found online by Raymond

From Iron Knee Political Irony:

Today, on the 35th day of the shutdown, Donald Trump announced a temporary reopening of the government for three weeks. And no, he didn’t get any funding for the wall. He totally caved.

Why? Could it be because he already lost a handful of Republican Senators, who yesterday voted against Trump as a warning shot that if the shutdown went on much longer Trump would find himself humiliated by a veto-proof bipartisan budget bill being passed by Congress? Well, probably not.

Was it because his base started crumbling, once Trump’s temper tantrum started affecting their wallets?

Or because this is actually hurting the economy and reducing the security of the US more than his silly imagined illegal alien invasion.

Or because he wasn’t going to be able to make his campaign speech State of the Union address? You know how much he loves pomp and pageantry.

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