‘Extremism’ Needed to Move the Political Ball toward Capitalism

found online by Raymond

From Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

…the Dems have been far more consistent – read, extreme – in cleaving to their collectivist “ideological purity”. Socialism has had a loud voice in the Democratic Party, but capitalism has yet to find its political voice. The two ideological extremes are the primary combatants. The Left knows it. The Right doesn’t. The result: The political “middle” keeps moving Left.

In this regard, Ronald Bailey has a helpful article at Reason How Political Extremism Sways Elections and Public Policy. Contrary to the dogma that political extremism is harmful; it not only works but shapes the political direction of a nation.

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2 thoughts on “‘Extremism’ Needed to Move the Political Ball toward Capitalism”

  1. Yeah, I don’t think I need to read this ideological hogwash.

    I got this far: “The Right, led by the conservatives, almost always starts from the moderate position.”


    In his delusional fever, corporate personhood, voter suppression, and white nationalism are soooo moderate. Redefining “the right” indicates to us the authoritarian koolade he’s been chugging.

    Corporate campaign donations to Democrats tell us this man is an extreme lunatic fringe nutcase.

    Bill Clinton’s welfare-gutting, triangulation, and repeal of Glass Steagall tell us this man is an extreme lunatic fringe nutcase.

    Hillary’s Wall Street speaking fees tell us this man is an extreme lunatic fringe nutcase.

    Obama’s failure to hold any of the Wall Street sleazeballs accountable, and giving them a voice in policy tell us this man is an extreme lunatic fringe nutcase.

    I suppose the poor wretch can’t help it. He’s crusading against a rigged system, since those damned socialist Founders corrupted our nation with Constitutional taxation, providing for the general welfare, and regulation of commerce.

    1. “He’s crusading against a rigged system” – DD

      I believe the phrase is: “Tilting at windmills.”

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