Deep and Deeper

found online by Raymond

From Jack Jodell at The Saturday Afternoon Post:

He is feeling an ungodly amount of pressure from all sides, and is proving what I have maintained for years: that he is unfit for the presidency and is in waaaayyyyy over his head. For perhaps the only time in his life, Donald Trump has met something he cannot firmly dominate or even control. Ever-paranoid, truth and reality are settling in on him and he can no longer retreat into his mythical world of delusion and dishonesty.

Aside from being irrational, his behavior – especially on the world stage – has been not only erratic, but dangerous as well. He has snapped angrily (and needlessly) at allies like Britain’s Theresa May and France’s Emmanuel Macron. He has alleged, with no proof at all, that there was voter fraud in the midterms. He has impulsively and recklessly sent thousands of U.S. troops to our southern border to confront a nonexistently hostile, supposed “invasion” by thousands of innocent, desperate refugees who are fleeing hopelessness, hunger, and abject poverty in Latin America and wish to come here to live in peace and relative prosperity, claiming there are “terrorists” lurking among them.

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