‘Young Enough to Be Shot in Our Schools…Young Enough to Speak Out’

found online by Raymond

From Dorian de Wind at The Moderate Voice:

Remember the 17 young students and teachers who would never come home again?

Remember, one month later, the March for Our Lives, where hundreds of thousands of high school students from all over the country organized, marched and spoke up demanding that they be allowed to attend school without the fear of being gunned down?

Remember how the young people who organized, led and participated in those demonstrations and in other gun reform movements – many of them survivors of the Parkland shooting – were called trouble makers, immature, that they didn’t “fully grasp the issues at hand because their brains have not fully developed yet”?

Remember the names David Hogg, Emma González, Jaclyn Corin and Matt Deitsch?

Well, even if some of us have forgotten the names of these Parkland school shooting survivors, the world community has not

A week ago, at a special ceremony in Cape Town, South Africa, Archbishop Desmond Tutu presented the 2018 International Children’s Peace Prize 2018 to David, Emma, Jaclyn and Matt.

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