2018 Version of The Victims Were At Fault

found online by Raymond

From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

“Screw your optics, I’m going in.”

And thus Robert Bowers, the 48-year-old vicious anti-Semite and racist burst into the Tree of Life Synagogue in the Jewish community of Squirrel Hill and began shooting as Shabbat and other services were underway. He yelled, “All Jews must die,” as he began firing.

Eleven deaths later, and six still living victims in the hospital, our Prznint suggests that the solution is to have armed guards in synagogues. No one seems to have told him that 4 of the wounded were armed policemen, and that 2 of the policemen were on the SWAT team.

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One thought on “2018 Version of The Victims Were At Fault”

  1. Who is going to pay for the army of security guards that Republicans insist every business and school and place of worship needs?

    Anyway, I just don’t understand people like this shooter. I assume that he became convinced at some point that a group of Jews run the world and do all sorts of nefarious things, but even if he were right, he obviously wouldn’t find them at the local synagogue. Killing them doesn’t merely accomplish nothing; it makes the country more sympathetic toward them. It’s strange to me that so many people who are willing to kill and die for some ideology target nobodies.

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