Knowing Who’s to Blame

found online by Raymond

From Blue in the Bluegrass:

A coworker who is a republican and trump voter just commented on a shooting at a Louisville Kroger yesterday, and asked me “what is going on?”

“No comment,” I replied, which he took exactly as I meant it: “we both know goddamn well what’s going on here and who’s to blame.”

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One thought on “Knowing Who’s to Blame”

  1. Granted, we’re talking about people who think that Obama’s comment that Trayvon Martin could have been his son is more divisive than anything Trump says or does.

    We’re talking about people who, even with the culprit identified and his van located and his social media accounts explored, find ways to convince themselves that Democrats organized this to help themselves.

    We’re talking about people who insist that foreign fake news designed to influence Americans is ineffective, but routinely buy into the latest anti-liberal conspiracy theory they’ve heard from Hannity or Jones or any of the other insane leaders of conservative media.

    These are not reasonable people.

    However, I also don’t think that Democrats would be willing to accept blame for an attack on Republicans by one of their own following comments that could be interpreted as a call to arms. You just don’t score any political points that way.

    In any case, the anger was there before Trump. While he has undeniably contributed to its growth, I don’t imagine that it will start to fade once he’s gone. The country is too divided over issues too fundamental.

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