Fear in the White House

found online by Raymond

From Jack Jodell at The Saturday Afternoon Post:

Woodward paints the Trump White House as being filled with chaos, dysfunction, and paranoia. He portrays the administration as being in a “nervous breakdown” and quotes numerous staffers as having a negative opinion of Trump. A notable example is how Chief of Staff John Kelly said, “He’s gone off the rails. We’re in Crazytown. I don’t know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I’ve ever had.” Trump is shown to be disparaging of his staff. He told Wilbur Ross, the man he picked to be his Commerce Secretary, that “you’re past your prime.” He has also called his Attorney General Jeff Sessions, another man he picked, “mentally retarded” and “he’s this dumb southerner.”

Staffers seem to be constantly ill at ease and looking over their shoulders. They are reportedly petrified that they will be quoted by former Trump aide Omarosa Manigault Newman in her book Unhinged as aying something Trump would not like. This seems to coincide with accounts given in many other books, especially Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury.

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One thought on “Fear in the White House”

  1. Then maybe they should do something about it. While it’s entertaining to hear about Trump’s incompetency, it mostly takes the form of rumors from anonymous sources or complaints from disgruntled former staff, all of which are easy for Trump supporters and other Republicans to dismiss so that nothing ever improves. If Trump is truly so terrible to them and for the country, then I expect something more from them than whispers to journalists and self-serving memoirs. But I guess it’s too much to expect something from any Republican at this point.

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