A Tale of Two Speeches

found online by Raymond

From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

It makes a kind of sense that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton gave speeches to two very different groups this Friday–they are two very different candidates and they do not substantially share a worldview. Donald Trump spoke in front of the Faith and Freedom Conference, where he was protested (because I think he might actually being paying protesters at this point to attract cameras and further the idea that he is an exciting and dangeous candidate, if you want to know what sort of things I think about this weird Potemkin campaign) Hillary Clinton spoke in front of Planned Parenthood, the embattled reproductive health provider that has faced actual existential threats from the very sort of people who attend the Faith and Freedom Conference.

That right there strikes me as very different! For what it’s worth, the Faith and Freedom shindy is an event at which a sitting US Senator who isn’t even especially known as a firebrand suggested that it was funny to pray for President Obama’s death–a joke which isn’t even especially new.

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