Sheriff’s Race Vote Totals Raise Questions About Software

found online by Raymond

From Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson:

Nobody will forget how Waukesha County became the center of the political universe when a former county clerk forgot to include the city of Brookfield’s votes in the vote totals for a Wisconsin Supreme Court race. But could we be facing a similar crisis this November in Milwaukee? Or elsewhere?

Jerry Bader of Media Trackers is reporting that the Milwaukee County Clerk’s office, through a software error in the WisVote program, managed to double the number of Democratic votes cast in the Milwaukee County sheriff’s race. The canvass showed the total votes cast in the Democratic primary as 219,300 but the ward-by-ward count showed only 109,473 Democratic votes for sheriff.

“Problems with the WisVote software are being blamed for the Milwaukee County canvass of the August 14 Democratic Sheriff’s primary showing almost exactly double the number of votes actually cast on Election Day,” Bader reported.

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