Border Militia Founder Convicted of Child Molestation

found online by Raymond

From The Intersection of Madness and Reality:

Christopher Allen Simcox is a Republican. Back in 2010, Simcox launched an unsuccessful bid against incumbent U.S. Senator John McCain of Arizona, in the Republican primary. Simcox is also the co-founder of a border militia group that essentially hunted undocumented immigrants on the southern border. I don’t know whether Simcox is a supporter of Donald Trump, however, I would not be surprised if he is.

Given that Donald Trump has color-aroused supporters believing that “Mexicans” who enter the country illegally are rapists, the irony of this story is thick. In fact, I think the irony machine is now officially broken.

This from Yahoo:

Christopher Allen Simcox, who co-founded the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps in 2005, was found guilty of two felony counts of child molestation and one felony count of providing obscene material to a minor by the Maricopa County Superior Court jury.

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