Dear Brian Stelter and Reliable Sources: A Lie Is a Lie, Is a Lie

found online by Raymond

From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

Stelter is one of the better people on CNN, I enjoy him a lot, but his show is a lot of inside baseball analysis of the media (ratings! money! box office!) and one can make the case that it is the Villagers praising themselves. It’s often an awards show without the awards, and a lot of high-minded drivel about their own importance, interrupted by ads.

In this summary of his show, I think Stelter tries too hard to keep his impartiality cred. A lie, regardless of its intent, is still a lie.

I think having some sort of sliding scale from “a deflection, an exaggeration and a straight up lie” is a disservice. So when does a factually untrue statement slide from a deflection into an exaggeration? When does it become a straight-up lie? How do we know when a journalist is letting it slide for some reason? We don’t.

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