Not Fitting the Narrative, School Schooting Ed.

found online by Raymond

From our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit:

I haven’t seen much from the Parkland Children’s Brigade about the recent school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas. My guess is because that shooting doesn’t fit their narrative.

The gun-banners want a ban on “assault rifles” and large capacity magazines. Their claims, all along, have been that such bans would make them safer.

The Asswipe of Santa Fe has shown that their claims are false.

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2 thoughts on “Not Fitting the Narrative, School Schooting Ed.”

  1. That one shooter was able to kill many with one type of weapon has little bearing on the question of whether or not banning large capacity magazines for another sort of weapon would make us safer. Thousands of years of civilization later, humans still struggle with logic.

    But I will acknowledge that the effectiveness of these “safety measures” and others is very limited. People are desperate to do something (or desperate for others to do something), but if the goal is to significantly reduce the frequency and/or severity of shootings, that “something” has to be either more ambitious or of a different kind. I just don’t know what that might be.

  2. What else can we expect from a nation led by belligerent sociopaths fueled by the NRA?

    It’s the whole “gun culture”. Or “Ritalin” if you’re a gun nut from the gun culture.

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