The Great Wall — a Modest Proposal

found online by Raymond

From Infidel753:

Trumpanzees’ gullibility and imperviousness to evidence can be maddening to deal with. Tell them anything they don’t want to hear and they’ll just say “fake news”, no matter how solid your sources of information. This is really the natural culmination of a trend which has been part of the right-wing mentality for decades. People who reject evolution, global warming, Keynesian economics, etc. need to develop the ability to ignore mountains of evidence while believing only what their trusted puppet-masters tell them — and eventually they’ll start applying that ability everywhere. It’s no wonder right-wing sites are festooned with ads of the “dermatologists HATE this man” and “INSANE credit card” genre. Scammers know just where to find the kind of easy marks who think they’re “standing up to the experts” when in fact they’re just being conned.

Yes, it’s frustrating to deal with, but what if we could turn the tables by treating this Trumpanzee attitude as a resource to be exploited for positive purposes?

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