When Will the Media Pivot?

found online by Raymond

From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

So, you want to be a watchdog? Really? Then do your jobs. What’s stopping you?

I would like to remind everyone that this is a direct result of the fanboy’ing that The Media did during the 2016 Goat Rodeo (and before). While the MSM was covering every bleat and mewl from Candidate Stupid and giving him (by some estimates) $2B Ameros worth of free coverage and endlessly hyping the very fake conspiracy theory news of Hillary’s emails/Uranium 1, etc., you were sowing the seeds of your own destruction.

Paraphrasing Bill Moyer: report the facts and letting them lead you to a conclusion is not bias. It is reporting.

What you are doing now is at best Both Siderism. It is bullshit.

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2 thoughts on “When Will the Media Pivot?”

  1. Welcome to Corporate America.

    Both siderism and BS are what the corporate media do for profit and access.

    It’s not their job to proved the public with the information they need. That would undermine the corporatocracy and their precious status quo.

    1. And it works because it’s exactly what many people want. Especially in the age of the internet, no one is forcing them to consume outright propaganda, reject fact checkers, or limit themselves to one or two sources of news. It’s just easier and feels better that way.

      As usual, if you want to know why some political problem exists, start by taking a look at the public.

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