“Dumbness” as a musically authentic asset (new study)

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Would this explain the success of a certain well known politician?
From The Journal of Improbable Research:

Hector Qirko is not only Associate Professor of Anthropology and Associate Department Chair at the College of Charleston, US – he’s also, as can be appreciated above, a recording artist.

As such, he’s noticed that when it comes to popular music, “dumbness” in performances can sometimes be regarded as a musically authentic asset.

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When Reading This From “Reason” Magazine…

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From driftglass:

…bear in mind that Nick Gillespie has always struck me as the kind of guy who would not only insist his girlfriend read “Atlas Shrugged” while he stood over her shoulder, but would insist that she read the “This is John Galt Speaking” part over and over again while he explained it to her to make sure she really got it.

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Creepy Flag Love
(Cartoon, Column and Video)

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Clay Jones is hilarious.
From Clay Jones at The Moderate Voice:

A phony person will overly exert himself to prove he’s something he’s not. The biggest trait of a phony is they’ll find what you like and profess to love it just as much. For example, I might tell you I like Taco Bell and you might say you do as well, or not, but a phony will try to convince you that he loves Taco Bell so much, he moved into a Taco Bell and named his kid Chalupa. Maybe another example would be a Republican who has built his entire image opposing gay marriage but is later discovered in a men’s bathroom stall with six guys and a Barbra Streisand CD.

I love America but I don’t feel the need to dry hump a flag to prove it. Donald Trump, on the other hand, being the treasonous type who has displayed his love for all things Russia and Putin, feels the need to overcompensate by walking onto a stage before an audience and treat an American flag to the point he’s going to need a non-disclosure agreement.

What else can he do to convince you he loves America more than anyone else, seduce a bald eagle?

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Consensus: Trump’s Summit Was a Failure

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From Tommy Christopher:

Watch Every Reporter, Pundit and Anchor Imaginable Call Trump’s Kim Meeting a ‘Failed Summit’

When Donald Trump announced the early end of his summit with Kim in Hanoi last week, he and his administration tried to put a happy face on the breakdown of the talks. In a trio of Sunday show appearances, Bolton tried to dispute the idea that this was a “failed summit,” but even he refused to agree that Trump had given up nothing in his dealings with Kim.

A quick review of the news coverage since the summit reveals a much broader consensus on the “failed summit,” and not just from partisan commentators and elected officials. Most of the people calling the meetings a “failed summit” were objective reporters and news anchors, from every major and minor network, and even some local news outlets.

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What the Hell Are You Doing?

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From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

Trump gave the flag some affection before launching into a two hour two minute batshit extravaganza at CPAC (which is already kind of a guano pageant). I seriously have to wonder if the length of the speech has a lot to do with his disappointment about the NK talks and the impression left by the House hearing with Michael Cohen–big-ass rally speeches seem to be one of the ways he self-soothes. So what happened when Trump went full-on Fidel Castro up there?

Weeeelll, he re-enacted his calling on Russia to get Hillary Clinton’s emails, because we all obviously need to be reminded of that. He introduced a G-rated nickname for Rep. Adam Schiff–“little shifty Schiff”–which kind of makes me think he slipped Baron a fiver to come up with it and this is now also Schiff’s new rap name: Lil’ Shifty. He did an impression of Jeff Sessions that sounded a little like Yosemite Sam. He managed to shoehorn some stuff about little migrant girls eating fistfuls of birth control pills (not the way they work) before going out to visit America by crossing rape country, calling the left socialists, and making some “right-wingers on college campuses are the real victims” nonsense noises into a (probable? potential?) executive order. Maybe. And he apparently talked to a General Raisin Cane, which sounds like the kind of creative hallucinations I would like to have if I was a sweaty ham that was made a world leader and had snorted too much Adderall.

Anyway, I don’t know what the hell he was doing, but he seemed to have fun, even when he verbally had to say no one was leaving the speech even though there was a line. The flag has now contacted Gloria Allred.

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Donald Trump and the Warmbier Paradox

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From Gregory B. Gonzalez at MadMikesAmerica:

It’s been another horrible week for Donald Trump. Not only did his former lawyer and ‘fixer’, Michael Cohen, testify before Congress against him, but he also went to Vietnam for his second summit with North Korean leader and fashion icon, Kim Jong-Un, and came away with nothing.

First of all, though I have every sympathy for the kid’s family, I don’t have a lot of sympathy for him. Otto Warmbier is the essence of a dumbass. North Korea does NOT screw around. If you’re caught doing ANYTHING suspicious, you’ll be lucky if all they do is beat the holy SHIT out of you. Judging from his condition as he was shown coming home, it looked like the North Koreans went to town with Otto.

That said, do you REALLY think it’s possible that Kim Jong-Un wasn’t aware about it? Otto Warmbier started an international incident, for Christ’s sake! Of course the leader of the country would know about it!

For Trump to take Kim’s word is just plain idiotic! It shouldn’t surprise anyone. Trump believed Putin when he said he didn’t interfere in the 2016 election, and he believed MBS when he said he had nothing to do with the death of Jamal Khashoggi.

Apparently, all anyone has to do is say, “I didn’t do it!”and Trump believes it.

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Batman Doesn’t Smile Enough

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From PZ Myers:

It’s true. Read the comics, watch the multitude of movies about him, and Batman almost never smiles. He’s grim. He’s all dressed in dark clothes. He tries to instill fear in his foes.

Apparently, that just wouldn’t work if he were Batwoman. She’d be told to smile all the time.

It’s ridiculous, but that’s the latest controversy over the upcoming Captain Marvel movie — she’s a serious superhero who doesn’t smile enough.

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I Thought Jesus Would Take Care of Me When I Got Old

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From The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser:

I started preaching at age fifteen, enrolled at Midwestern Baptist College to study for the ministry at nineteen, married my wife at age twenty-one, and took my first church job a few months before I turned twenty-two. I was young, full of life, and raring to go for Jesus. I also was clueless about what awaited me in the ministry. Little did I know, that life would not turn out as Polly and I envisioned; that our fairy tale would not be one of love, peace, and potluck dinners; that our vision of a future with a white two-story home with a boy named Jason, a girl named Bethany, and a white picket fence would turn into a 12’x60′ trailer, six children, food stamps, and a $200 station wagon.

It’s common for young marrieds to have all sorts of hopes and dreams. Polly and I thought that God would surely use us in a mighty way to bring countless people to Christ; that we would be respected and rewarded for our hard work; that our children would grow up, get married, and follow in our footsteps. As a young man, I believed Jesus would always take care of me. He, after all, gave me a wonderful wife, blessed us with children, and favored the work we accomplished in his vineyard. Though Jesus never personally appeared to me, I saw all my ministerial success as coming directly from him. Boy, was I wrong!

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Electoral College: The Original Intent Might Not Be What You Think


If you’re going to defend this terrible holdover, defend it for the single reason, the monstrous reason, some delegates demanded it and others acquiesced.

It is documented in the original words of the founders as recorded by those who were there.

Continue reading “Electoral College: The Original Intent Might Not Be What You Think”