Mitch McConnell Can’t Look Elizabeth Warren In the Eye

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From Tommy Christopher:

Donald Trump famously would not look German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the eye during their recent photo op, but Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has him beat.

According to Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), McConnell has not spoken to her, and will not even look at her, since he silenced her for trying to read a letter from Coretta Scott King into the record, then allowed male senators to read the exact same letter. The moment, and particularly McConnell’s explanation of it, became a rallying cry for the resistance.

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Fondly Remembering Obama – 4/18/2017

President Barack Obama listens to an audience member’s question at a town hall style meeting in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, May 14, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

[This official White House photograph is being made available for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way or used in materials, advertisements, products, or promotions that in any way suggest approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.]

Wondering why a few conservative friends are less than impressed.

An Encouragement to Compassionate People

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From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

But not everyone naturally feels deeply for things and people beyond this close proximity; for humanity as a whole, for the planet, for the welfare of strangers, for the suffering they know exists that they aren’t even aware of. Not everyone is acutely burdened with other people’s pain in such a way that each day brings a fresh wounding. Not all of us spend their lives regularly bleeding for the hurt around them.

And yet if you are such a person, these are incredibly treacherous times because there is so very much to be grieved by.

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The Futile Vanities of Trump’s “Mother of All Bombs”

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From Brij Khindaria, Foreign Affairs Columnist at The Moderate Voice:

President Donald Trump’s “mother or all bombs” – the world’s biggest non-nuclear weapon – dropped on remote mountains in unfortunate Afghanistan has pulverized rocks, shattered local ecology and destroyed the habitat of rare animal and other species.

It completely shattered everything in a one-mile radius and has affected life in an almost 30-mile periphery.

It may also have obliterated 36 enemy combatants, who under unilateral US rules are not soldiers and, therefore, deserve no consideration.

But far from justifying his triumphant claims of success, the lesson the monster bomb has reinforced is that American military and economic power however fearsome does not bring desired foreign policy results.

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Make Impeachment Great Again

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From Iron Knee at Political Irony:

Professor Allan Lichtman, who gained notoriety by predicting that Donald Trump would win the presidential election, is now predicting that Trump will be impeached. Often, political predictions are not worth much, but Lichtman did manage to correctly predict the last eight presidential elections.

Lichtman even says that Trump could even be impeached by a Republican Congress.

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E.P.T. Clarifies: Pregnancy Tests for Entertainment Only

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From The Onion:

TARRYTOWN, NY—In an effort to limit the company’s exposure to unwanted claims or potential liability, e.p.t. issued a statement Friday clarifying that their pregnancy tests are intended for entertainment purposes only. “We would like to make it perfectly clear to our customers that e.p.t. home pregnancy tests are just something fun to pass around at a party with friends, and the results should not be taken seriously…”

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Easter Lie, Mama Bomb, Internet Privacy, Health Care

  • My conservative friend T. Paine, at Saving Common Sense, presents a beautiful country Christian rendition of a dialogue between Mary and Jesus as the crucifixion looms. He accompanies the beautiful video with a passage from the Improperia. The chosen segment is a piece of antisemitism that survives from ancient Catholic liturgy. Although in sharp decline, the sentiment continues in much of Christianity.
    A decade or so ago, I was invited to help narrate an annual Cantata at the United Methodist Church I attend. The narration contained a passage similar to the liturgical piece provided by my conservative friend. I objected to a paragraph lamenting that the same crowd praising Jesus on Palm Sunday now stood before Pilate demanding his death. I was allowed to make a substitution.
    The quote from Mr. Paine is as explicit, portraying Jesus as specifically accusing Jews. “I led you out of the land of Egypt, and you prepared a cross for me. I opened the Red Sea before you, and you opened my side with a lance.”
    This is more than a transparently absurd accusation. It is part of a broader historical narrative, the basis for centuries of brutal persecution.
    In fact, Jesus was not tortured and murdered because he had suddenly become unpopular with the captive Jewish nation. He was crucified by the Roman Empire because he was too popular.
  • nojo, at Stinque, is inspired by the Mother of All Bombs dropped on Afghanistan to take a look at the rest of Mama Bomb’s family.
  • Iron Knee at Political Irony explains the Republican bill just signed into law by President Trump. The new law allows the company you pay for internet access to record all your on-line activity and sell it to anyone they want. Advertisers? Acquaintances? Your boss? If you’re a government employee, how about some blackmailing foreign agent?
  • Jon Perr at PERRspectives presents the three facts of life that make health care less a matter of economics and more a matter of national values.
  • Jonathan Bernstein tells us why a shutdown would be serious and how a stray comment by a Trump cabinet member just made it more likely.
  • I kind of enjoy the occasional diatribe based on something other than the warping of names (RAY-GUN? Really?), epithets (Repuglicans? Democraps?), or of-course-they-did-it baseless accusations. Since I dwell mostly in LeftWorld, you would think I’d only encounter such attacks from dirty hippies against upright conservatives. But a strongly disproportionate number of RightWriters I stumble into thrive on the stuff.
    That may be why I find diatribes by driftglass so entertaining. His sarcasm does not exist on its own. It rests it’s acerbic self on logic and evidence. His latest vivisection of a BothSidesDoIt analyst is captivating.
    Amanda Taub tried to explore why those on both sides vote against their own interests out of mindless partisanship. If she reads driftglass, she can still get by on anti-depressants.
  • Tommy Christopher reports as Donald trump threatens to fire the man in charge of investigating his ties to Russia.
  • At The Onion, Sean Spicer makes so many of his own controversial statements he has been given his own press secretary. Okay, so it’s satire. You really think it’s any stranger than what actually happens in TrumpLand?
  • At The Moderate Voice, Technology Policy Analyst Kathy Gill counts those with whom United is in trouble: the public, courts, police, and God Almighty.
  • The Journal of Improbable Research has found a study exploring the effect of unexpected airline upgrades on people prone to guilt.
  • Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson mourns the loss of Don Rickles.
  • John Scalzi at Whatever explains that writers who are good at meeting people have learned how to fake it.
  • This Week In Trumpian ‘Alternative Facts’, Newsweek watches television for us and lists the news chyrons that correct Trump “facts” in real time.