Police Liftless Fingers, Violent BLM, Greasy Obama, Virus Media, Sniffles

Tucker Outraged as Obama Gets Greasy
Defiling the Eulogy by Connecting John Lewis with Voting Rights
  • Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara explains why socialism is evil after defining it as putting collective good in place of any individual good. Well, that wasn’t hard, was it? Makes it easy to demonize Social Security, any police except for private security forces (who wants socialized police?), any fire departments except those privately created for private purposes (who wants socialized fire departments?). In fact, who wants socialized roads, socialized bridges, or socialized sidewalks? All we need to do is define our terms first. As in “Let’s first define our terms.”
  • My long time friend (no lie) Darrell is Unabashedly American, defining terms in a slightly more brazen way. For example, Congressman Jerry Nadler says that BLM protests are “generally peaceful.” Darrell says this really means “any violence being done is by police on peaceful protesters simply exercising their constitutional rights…” That would be any violence. Since that proposition is easily disproven (it only takes one video, right?), it means police are dealing with “mainly snot-nosed white millenial rioters.” So that settles it.
  • Scotties Toy Box takes a brief look at one of the less savory methods a few police organizations can use to force unwilling support, and do it without lifting a finger. Literally.
  • Frances Langum watches Tucker Carlson, so you don’t have to, where Barack Obama becomes “a greasy politician” for twisting a eulogy into somehow trying to connect John Lewis with voting rights. As Tucker puts it, “What kind of person would do that?”

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