Even TrumpWorld Grab-Bags Get the Blues

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From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

There is a limit to how much good faith one can presume of other people. When it comes to Senate Republicans, Senators Grassley and Graham pretty much exhausted whatever confidence I had in them with the “stunt” recommendation to the FBI to investigate Christopher Steele for possible criminal charges of lying to them. In the midst of an investigation into whether Trump campaign officials conspired with Russia to use stolen information to win an election, the person these partisan hacks decide to finger as a problem is the whistleblower?

Add to that the news that the DOJ is opening a new probe into the Clinton email server and that the Clinton Foundation is currently being investigated by the FBI, and it’s hard for me not to see a pattern that looks like Republicans using the Justice Department for partisan ends. It doesn’t even seem all that low-key. And while they are at it, pretending that the FBI was actually Hillary Clinton’s fan club.

This is the kind of thing that makes me dread blogging. It isn’t healthy to look around and just see examples of shameful dealing everywhere.

But then, someone does something that really picks me up…

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Least Likely to be Accepted Counter-Offer of All Time

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From Green Eagle:

In response to indications that Mueller is going to require an interview with Donald Trump, the White House has offered to provide Mueller with a letter from Trump personally attesting that he has never broken any laws of any kind.

I kid you not. That’s their offer. Well, that should pretty much set everything straight, right?

I just want to say something that I have believed for months now: The Republicans in the White House and Congress are never going to allow the actual record of Trump’s behavior made public. Instead they are going to hide the testimony from Fusion GPS, and “leak,” or to speak plainly, lie in public about what came out at that testimony, which they have already done on numerous occasions.

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Trump Law

How would anyone deal with a sudden fire, demolishing a home, destroying private possessions representing experiences over a lifetime? What if it happened to an important accidental witness, testifying against powerful political figures? What if it occurred during her absence from home, on a trip to give testimony to Congress?

What if she and her family were the targets of arson?

I wonder what sort of courage it took for Jill Simpson to take the risks she took. A few days after the fire, she was tailed at night along a lonely rural Mississippi road for miles by a large automobile which eventually overtook her, then forced her own car off the road.

Continue reading “Trump Law”

Republicans, Going to Pot

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From Infidel753:

Jeff Sessions has just handed the Democrats a winning issue for this year’s elections. The question is, will our party and candidates be smart enough to embrace it?

By threatening a crackdown on legal marijuana, Sessions and the Trump minority-rule regime in general are once again “standing athwart history, yelling ‘stop'”. The movement to decriminalize marijuana is clearly gathering steam — recreational marijuana is now legal in eight states, and support among the American people has reached 64% — even among Republicans it’s 51%. Tens of millions of ordinary Americans use marijuana routinely, including many who usually vote Republican; some Republicans also balk at the enormous wastage of money represented by enforcement of draconian laws against a drug far less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes.

Yet this is an issue where politicians and the Democratic party have never taken the lead.

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Oprah and the Horse Race

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From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

The media’s obsession with whether or not Oprah will run has totally buried what she said in her Golden Globes speech, which is a shame because it was so good and so damn powerful. And so many of us on the left have ignored her speech to focus on yet another (potential) celebrity billionaire to battle it out with the failed game show host. Save us, Oprah!

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18 Days Left To Save the Nation

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From Yellow Dog at Blue in the Bluegrass:

January 26 is the deadline for filing to run for local, state and national offices in Kentucky. There are dozens of repug seats that still have no Democratic challenger.

What is wrong with you people?

I could run my cat in any of those races and have a better-than-even chance of him winning just because he has a D next to his name (although temperamentally he is absolutely a reich-wing nutcase) and people are going to be jamming the polls desperate to throw the repug bastards out of office.

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When Political Correctness Is Tyranny With Manners

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From Michael John Scott MadMikesAmerica:

I watched the Golden Globes last night and was puzzled by some of the outrages. Let’s try to understand:

If several men do a better job of directing movies than several women in the same category, should those men be ignored because women have to be recognized, even if they haven’t done as well as the men?

Inversely, if several women do a better job of directing movies than several men in the same category should those women be ignored because men also have to be recognized, even though the women did a better job?

This craziness has just gone way too far.

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