Role-Knowing and Place-Keeping

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From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

I can’t think of any message more dreary and opposed to the idea of intellectual and religious freedom. The idea that you can go anywhere in a given state in this land of the free and home of the brave–so long as you step correctly and not out of line, has a deep history in sundown towns in particular as a threat and in the idea of respectability (in politics) in general. What Graham is with such southern graciousness explaining is that Black and Brown people very well might have rights that he would respect, if they can produce “the receipts” to legitimize themselves.

It’s breath-taking. And it also explains why so many Republicans seem so fond of voter suppression. They would sure like to let everybody vote, but damn it! Some folks just vote wrong.

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Wisconsin Reports No Voter Fraud In Ballots They’ve Thrown Out So Far

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Mail Voting, Election 2020      [Image from ACLU voting series]

From The Onion:

“Every one of the ballots we’ve eliminated had no signs of tampering and were filled out properly. There aren’t any efforts of submitting the ballots of deceased Wisconsin residents or by people trying to vote multiple times that we could see before we tossed them in the trash. This just goes to show that concerns about voter fraud have been way overblown. It’s very encouraging.

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Not Satire: Trump Planned A Dramatic Show of His Superman Pajamas

Order on line: You too can wear Donald Trump at bedtime      [Image from Political Party T-Shirts]

According to the New York Times, my president changed his mind about his planned dramatic release from Walter Reed Hospital.

He had intended to walk to his limousine, turn to the cameras, then rip open his shirt to show the top of his Superman pajamas.

At the last minute, he abandoned the super-plan.

Gun Play, Kidnap, White Nationalists, Trump Treatment, Spreading the Joy

FBI foils plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer      [Image from ABC News]
  • In MadMikesAmerica, Glenn Geist takes a look at the Call-To-Arms ad campaign of the Second Amendment Foundation and sees some scary stuff.
  • Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged studies the FBI announcement, after they break up the plot to kidnap, try, then execute the Governor of Michigan, and points out that the iceberg! beneath this tip floats atop some blatant presidential rhetoric.
  • At The Onion, White nationalists are under pressure. They have been faithfully plotting violence against everyone Trump wants attacked, but now complain they are spread way too thin, overwhelmed by the shear number of targets. On the other hand, they don’t want to be denounced by the president as a bunch of slackers. Like Barr and Wray.
  • Infidel753 explores the sociopathic mimicry of my president by other infected Republicans, following the example of our fearless leader. Mentioned is one dark suggestion that there must be a secret Democratic plot somewhere, because only national Republicans are catching COVID. Infidel points out that, sadly, these muddled, infected individuals will take a whole lot of innocents down with them.
  • Sarah Cooper hears my president raving about his miracle (as yet undocumented) recovery and his promise to provide the same treatment to everyone. She devotes a line or two to one underreported, essential corollary.
  • Any time medical authorities want the latest and most reliable research, they go to one source. Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger reads through the The New England Journal of Medicine as they review the US election for President.
  • The policy editor of NBC News says holding a second debate, the townhall, with just Joe Biden is unfair considering the uncertainty about my president’s health. Cato’s Julian Sanchez devotes 20 words to committing vivisection on that argument.
  • News Corpse bravely listens in, as my president is interviewed this week by Maria Bartiromo on Fox News, and counts up a few of the most demented moments. Everyone’s favorite must be his demand that Attorney General Bill Barr put Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden on trial and in prison. Because that’s how democracies work.
    One alarming thought. If anything happens to Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump will become President.

Continue reading “Gun Play, Kidnap, White Nationalists, Trump Treatment, Spreading the Joy”

The Scalzi Endorsement: Joe Biden

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Crime Scene      [Image from Jacob Morch on Unsplash]

From John Scalzi at Whatever:

Yes, fine, all right, you’ll do, Joe – Over Trump

He is, literally, the worst. After four years, I don’t feel I need to break out all the reasons that he is the worst, although to lightly gloss, it’s to do with the corruption, the white supremacy, the self-dealing, the incompetence and the fact that 210,000 Americans (so far!) have died from a viral pandemic that Trump even today, even now, as it infects his own body, wants to pretend is not that big of a deal, and choses to do nothing useful about. The worst! The worst president in living memory for certain.

(Of all time? It’s a fight! James Buchanan actually broke the country so he might be the least competent president, and Andrew Jackson is pretty much the platonic ideal of a genocidal asshole, so he might be the worst human to be president. But Trump comes a close second in both categories! So he might be the worst president of all time simply on points. But even if Buchanan or Jackson (or Andrew Johnson, who was no treat either, or Warren G. Harding, I mean, shit, we really do elect some awful people to the gig) squeak by, again, no one alive has seen a worse president. No one alive has seen one so willfully unprepared for the job, one so disinterested in the job, one so ignorant of its scope, or one so unconcerned how all of that will affect those who have to suffer his administration, staffed as it is with incompetents and grifters because saner and smarter people either would have nothing to do with it, or left when they realized that Trump wanted sycophants, not useful advisors.)

The United States is not a better place for having Trump as president. The world is certainly not a better place.

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Speaker Vos Says WI Governor’s Steps to Protect Public Are Unconstitutional

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Lawsuit seeks repeal of Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers’ mask mandate      [Image from WTMJ-TV Milwaukee]

From Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson:

The Legislature Has a Constitutional Role, too

Even if the case gets out of Waterman’s St. Croix courtroom, the last Supreme Court victory by the legislature over Evers’ abuse of his executive orders was a 4-3 decision with conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn joining the liberal minority. The composition of the court has changed with the replacement of conservative Justice Dan Kelly with liberal Justice Jill Karofsky, putting the focus back on Hagedorn.

The only sure way for Evers’ emergency order to be overturned, if Vos truly believes that it is unconstitutional, is for the legislature to act.

Let’s concede that Vos is not in an easy position. The latest Marquette University Law School poll showed 72% support a mask requirement in all public places, over 60% in every region of the state, while just 26% disagree with a mask mandate. On the flip side, a plurality of Republicans, 49% to 47%, oppose the statewide mask mandate.

The GOP is in a trap of their own making. Had the legislature acted in August to repeal Evers’ mask mandate order and then passed their own plan to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, they would be in a better place now. Instead, Evers’ is using the leeway granted by the legislature to effectively kill many of Wisconsin’s bars and restaurants to try to contain the outbreak.

And yes, the governor is playing politics with the pandemic. He could meet with legislative leaders to work out a compromise that would pass the legislature.

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The Importance of Child Personal Choice in Education

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Personalized Learning: Empowering Student Choice      [Image from Wold Architects and Engineers]

From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

I hated school. In high school, I was failing my ninth grade science (among other courses). In a private conference with my science teacher, my mother was told about an upcoming term paper assignment. My mother mentioned that I was very interested in weather. Problem was, weather was not one of the approved subject choices for the paper. But my teacher, Mrs. Haver–to her credit–told my mother to inform me that I could do my paper on weather.

Well, I dove right in, turning out a massive document, on which I received an A+. More interestingly, part of the term paper requirement was to give an oral presentation to the class. It was to be about 5 minutes or so for each student. When my turn came, I happened to be first up on that day. So, I got up there and got started.

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Wishing Well?

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Dr. Sean Conley updates pep talk on President Trump      [Image from ABC News]

From Tommy Christopher:

Stop Saying ‘We All Wish President Trump Well.’ A Lot Of Us Don’t — Without Wishing Him Harm

“We all wish the president well” — or some variation on that sentiment — has been a constant refrain in the media since President Donald Trump announced he’d tested positive for Covid-19, but a lot of people, myself included, just do not.

There’s a separate issue involved here, the question of whether it is the place of journalists to “wish” anything while they’re reporting the news, but given the fraught tines in which we live, I’m inclined to extend grace to the humane impulses of even the most hard-boiled members of the fifth estate. If you want to wish Trump well, have at it.

In fact, former Vice President Joe Biden has had at it, repeatedly and emphatically. This, just days after Trump mocked him at a debate for wearing a mask to prevent the spread of infection — an infection that Trump may very well have been carrying onto that debate stage.

But I’m not mad at Joe. I’m not even mad that he really, really means it — unlike, I suspect, many of the media figures who regurgitate the rote mantra before every report on Trump’s condition, his lying doctor, his superspreader joyride around the hospital, or his Ill Douché balcony photo op upon returning to the scene of a raging outbreak that he abetted.

I’m tempted to praise Joe Biden for his decency and his grace, as so many have. I hesitate because to do so would be to imply that those who feel differently lack those qualities, and they deserve a voice.

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Trump and COVID-19

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Don’t let COVID dominate your life. It’s just like the flu.      [Image from CNN]

From Robert A. Levine at The Moderate Voice:

Don’t let Covid dominate your life. It’s just like the flu. I feel better than I have in twenty years. These comments came from President Trump after he left Walter Reed Hospital, most likely AMA- against medical advice. But since Covid landed on our shores, it has dominated Trump’s life as he tried unsuccessfully to get the disease under control. But when you have no plan or strategy to manage the disease, how can you get it under control. Taking measures that your gut tells you are right, will not do it. A long term strategy is needed. And because of his inability to control Covid and the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have died, Trump is likely to lose the election next month.

As Trump revealed to Bob Woodward on tape, he knew how devastating the disease was going to be from the onset because it was airborne and there were no treatments. But he did not want to panic the country and did not tell the public what they were up against. And he went after it piece meal. The country did not have early testing capability and still does not have rapid tests available everywhere. Personal protective equipment was lacking for many first responders and initially there was a shortage of ventilators. But for some reason, Trump did not want to invoke the Emergency Authorization Act to get the equipment that the first responders, doctors, nurses and hospital personnel needed.

And Trump has refused from the outset to take the emergency mitigation measures that were recommended by infectious disease specialists and epidemiologists. Even at this stage where he has tested positive for the disease, he has poo-pooed wearing a mask, and social distancing. People thought that after having been infected with Covid 19, Trump would be more understanding and more reasonable about taking mitigation measures. But that never happened.

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Pence Grateful That Plexiglass Shield at Debate Will Protect Him from Woman

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Pence: Protected but still vigilant

From The Borowitz Report:

“I’ve read all the relevant literature, and from what I’ve learned a plexiglass shield provides adequate protection from a woman,” he said. “Knowing that this barrier exists between me and a member of the opposite sex, I feel comfortable about moving forward with the debate.”

The Vice-President added that, if he makes it through Wednesday’s debate without being exposed to a woman, he may start bringing a portable plexiglass shield with him on the campaign trail.

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