Mitch Hypocrisy, Presidents Inspire, Cabinet, Rants, Grief, Hope, King

Fox Mueller, Barr Whales, Barr Chant, Trump Unleashed & Weak

Trump vs Heroes, Dems Anti-Jewish, Best Anchor Babies, Conway Feminism

Why Trump Followers Are Devoted to Their Leader: He Is Not Toasted


The most devoted Trump support comes from those impatient with the traditional code words and dog whistles offered by Republicans for the last half century.

A fictional advertising executive explains what they want instead.

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Trumping the Bible, Dangling a Pardon, Manafort Message, the Wall

Apt Search, CPAC Rant, Fox Purge, GOP Fake News, Trump Love, Manafort Lite

Electoral College: The Original Intent Might Not Be What You Think


If you’re going to defend this terrible holdover, defend it for the single reason, the monstrous reason, some delegates demanded it and others acquiesced.

It is documented in the original words of the founders as recorded by those who were there.

Continue reading “Electoral College: The Original Intent Might Not Be What You Think”

GOPers Fight, Jim Jordan Wrestles, Kim Shook, Trump Described