Alabama, Trump Exoneration, Cher, Bannon, Authorized Investigations

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Abortion Rights & Wrongs, Truth & Lies, Taxes, Shootings, Bravery

  • At our favorite Wisconsin conservative site, RightWisconsin, State Senator Patrick Testin rails against discriminatory abortion. He points to Iceland as eradicating Down’s Syndrome by forcing potential parents toward abortion. A number of sites do indeed carry the story.
    Only one problem. It isn’t true. It took me under a minute to research it. I wonder why neither a state legislator, nor his staff, nor the staff at my favorite Wisconsin conservative site, none of these folks, could find time in their busy schedules to verify the tale before printing the story or, in the case of the good Senator, sponsoring actual legislation.
  • Pennsylvania State Representative Brian Sims gets between anti-abortion protestors and the pregnant women they are trying to bully. Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged has mixed feelings. She loves his courage and caring, and has serious reservations about some of his tactics. This strikes me as Vixen wisdom, not reflexive bothsiderism.
  • Tommy Christopher brings us an interview with a 12 year old on the recent school shooting in Colorado. He heard the distant shots seeming to come closer and prepared himself to go down fighting.
  • Green Eagle runs through published arguments about the word shall in the law that mandates the Treasury Department to hand over Trump tax returns to Congress. Green Eagle has a novel suggestion about applying administration definitions to re-define NRA arguments about strict gun control. On the other hand, we all COULD maybe respect plain language after all.
  • This is for those of us who have not read all 448 pages of the redacted Mueller Report, and who keep hearing my President proclaiming his exoneration. Dr. Mark Bear, at MadMikesAmerica, quotes a few passages to demonstrate compellingly that exoneration does not mean what Mr. Trump thinks it means.
  • Frances Langum documents the ever so incremental move of my President from claims of no obstruction to essentially no obstruction.
  • Andy Borowitz reports that Attorney General William Barr was unable to get his food order filled at Arby’s when he could not give any direct answers to a bewildered employee at the drive-thru window.
  • Jon Perr at PERRspectives runs through, in some detail, how dangerous conservative lawlessness, and dishonest testimony about it, is not confined to Mr. Barr or this administration.
  • nojo puts together a series of quotes, mostly by conservatives about the need for democracy elsewhere, to demonstrate the fall of democracy in America.
  • Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger takes a quick look at the only two Presidents in the past 40 years who have reduced the deficit.
  • tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors walks us through the clumsy Trump attempts at negotiations as he trips over his shoelaces into a trade war.
  • This week’s note in Trumpian “Alternative Facts” comes in a video hosted by the Dallas Observer as a teacher encounters controversy in grading a math quiz.

– Podcasts –

Trump Horrors, Money Trail, No Soul Pence, Biden! (or maybe not), Age

Trump Stuff: Putin, Charlottesville, Transparency, Barr, Impeachment

– More –

Low Barr, Trump, Sanders, Obstruct, Impeach, Mueller, Mueller, Mueller

One Way the Trump Campaign Can Be Innocent of Coordination

How the Attorney General defines what the Mueller report defines as law:

Special Counsel defined “coordination” as an “agreement—tacit or express—between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government on election interference.”

Letter from Attorney General
to House and Senate Judiciary Committees
footnote, p.2

What the law actually says,
(Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002):

The regulations shall not require agreement or formal collaboration to establish coordination.

Page 1105, House Congressional Record
February 12, 2002

Now then –
What Attorney General William Barr says the report says:

The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election. As the report states: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. “l

Attorney General’s letter
to House and Senate Judiciary Committees, March 24, 2019

Any questions?

Odd Trump, Wiki Leaked, Dept of Baby Cages, Blinded Me w/Poli Sci

  • This week’s note in Trumpian ‘Alternative Facts’ comes from The Baltimore Sun with the lie of the week. The Trump policy of putting little kids in cages was begun by Obama. Trump is the hero trying to end the Obama practice.
  • Jack Jodell at The Saturday Afternoon Post puts the focus on my President’s behavioral and policy oddities.
  • News Corpse compares the active love fest between WikiLeaks and then candidate Donald Trump in 2016, then contrasts that with the very new Trump after the arrest of Julian Assange: I know nothing about WikiLeaks, it’s not my thing.
  • Frances Langum asks why the Trump inaugural ticket guy gets no jail time, and concludes it’s not good news for Trump.
  • At the beginning, “Department of Homeland Security” sounded kind of Teutonic to me. At least it wasn’t called the Department of Fatherland Protection.
    Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged observes that the Department of Homeland Security seems to have changed direction. The unit tasked with tracking domestic threats of terrorism is being disbanded – tracking known as “Homeland Security.” Resources are instead flowing to locking little kids in desert cages to keep them away from their parents.
  • Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger brings us a five second glimpse at the agony of departing DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
  • At The Moderate Voice, scholar Anthony W. Fontes spends time on the ground with migrants and reports on why they flee to the US.
  • Tommy Christopher watches as Republican Congressional Representative Thomas Massie (KY) attacks John Kerry for possessing a fake science degree. Apparently the Congressman was shocked to discover the little known fact that Political Science is not really science. Tommy quotes an incredulous Kerry: “Are you serious? I mean, is this really a serious happening here?”
    Actually, the word “Science” in the name of Kerry’s degree is like “Honorable” in front of Thomas Massie’s name.
    Doesn’t mean a thing.
  • PZ Myers explains a little of the wonder of an actual image of a black hole. Lot of excitement centers on a primary team leader of the imaging project, Katie Bouman. And, of course, there are attacks by what Myers justifiably calls internet trolls. Some on the right are upset at accounts that, that, that a woman is associated with an important development in science. There turns out to be a great answer to those attacks.