
found online by Raymond

From Green Eagle:

Lest we forget, a little news about the situation in Fukushima, from Newsweek, via Yahoo:

“While much progress has been made to clean the area, the company has only just resolved the debate over what to do with the water that was used to cool the plant’s damaged reactors, causing it to become tainted with tritium.”

What to do…what to do… Oh wait, I have an idea:

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Bible in School? Then Let’s Have Atheism in Church

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From Blue in the Bluegrass:

No, I mean it. Freedom OF religion is also Freedom FROM religion, so let’s have a fair fight.

Truthfully, Bevin’s new Inquisition is not new. When I was in Kentucky high school in the 1970s, there was an English class elective in “The Bible as Literature.” Everybody took it because easy A, right?

“Bible Literacy,” however, is quite a bit more blatant about its religious indoctrination.

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Interrupting People: the Pros and Cons

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From The Journal of Improbable Research:

What might you gain (or lose) by interrupting someone? The question has been experimentally examined by Professor Sally Dew Farley, of the Psychology department at the University of Baltimore, US. Experimental subjects who had been asked to discuss an article were systematically interrupted by confederates – revealing the following :

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Don’t Come to America

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From PZ Myers:

Honestly, if you’re thinking of moving here or even just vacationing here, don’t. You’ll get shot. By the police.

They’re out of control. They’re armored up, loaded with weapons, and poorly trained. 661 people have been murdered by the police this year, so far. It’s insane.

The latest incident occurred nearby, in mild, liberal Minneapolis. An Australian, Justine Damond, was shot for no good reason. She had apparently called the police to report a disturbance in an alley.

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Last Russia Scandal Question: Time For Trump To Go?

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From Shaun Mullen at The Moderate Voice:

There will be no single smoking gun that will bring down this White House.
It will be death by firing squad . . . as the whole story inexorably pours out
of the administration’s smoldering ruins. ~ FRANK RICH

From the outset of what became known as the Russia Scandal, three big questions have predominated. Did the Russian government interfere in the 2016 presidential election to try help elect Donald Trump? Did the Trump campaign collude with Russia in that effort? And did candidate Trump himself know of the interference and collusion?

The first question was answered definitively a year ago. Yes, there was a Vladimir Putin-directed cyber conspiracy to sabotage Hillary Clinton because Trump was seen as being considerably more sympathetic to Russia’s global interests.

The second question was answered definitively over the weekend. Yes, the Trump campaign’s inner circle, including family members Donald Trump Jr. and son-in-law Jared Kushner, enthusiastically colluded with Putin’s surrogates.

The third question has not yet been answered definitively, but soon will be. Yes, Donald Trump actively encouraged the collusion while claiming the interference was “fake news” and subsequent investigations a “witch hunt.”

All that, in turn, raises a fourth question: Isn’t it time for Trump to go? Of course it is, but not so fast there, kemosabe.

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92-Year-Old Collapses: Habitat For Humanity Investigated

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From The Onion:

WASHINGTON—Responding to an unsettling incident that has raised concerns about worker exploitation within the organization, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced Friday it was launching an investigation into working conditions within Habitat for Humanity after a 92-year-old laborer reportedly collapsed on a job site yesterday.

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Senate’s Health-Care Follies Years in the Making

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From Jonathan Bernstein:

This is what getting jammed looks like:

That’s right. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell new plan is to ask Republicans to suspend reality until after casting their vote: Regardless of what the bill actually says, it means whatever they want it to mean. To state the obvious, this is not exactly a strong position.

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Trump-Russia, GOP Reactions, Clever Setup, Totally Innocent