Elizabeth Warren Joins Another Persister, John Quincy Adams

When Republicans in Congress dusted off Rule 19 to tell Elizabeth Warren to sit down and shut up, a few historians remarked that the rule had never actually been enforced before.

But that arcane rule did have a history. We have to go back over a hundred years to see just why there actually is a Rule 19. It turns out that, in 1902, a couple of Senators from South Carolina began calling each other names. Things escalated until they began a boxing match right there in the Senate. One, segregationist Benjamin Tillman, leaped over Senate desks and began pounding Senator John McLaurin.

They were a bit inexperienced in boxing rules, as it turned out. They missed each other few times, and other Senators were unexpectedly punched.

Those were the days, weren’t they?

So the Senate adopted Rule 19. No insults implying that other Senators were unfit to be Senators.

A quaint practice developed after that. Apparently, you could get away with insulting another Senator if you assured everyone you weren’t insulting him. And you could do that by telling the target that you held him “in high esteem.” If someone said he held you in high esteem, you knew you’d better hunker down.

Republican Everett Dirkson of Illinois once said he held a colleague “in minimal high esteem.” Classy.

When I heard some of the details of the Elizabeth Warren incident, I thought about an earlier precedent by an earlier President.

Until I began looking into it, about 5 years ago, I thought of John Quincy Adams pretty much as I had been taught to think about him in high school. He was Secretary of State for James Monroe. He was a pretty good Secretary of State. He had a famous father.

And he was real jerk.

John Adams, the father, was well thought of pretty much from the time he died. Before then, it was pretty much a mixed bag. Doris Kearns Goodwin once remarked that John Adams could never understand why he was not liked by more people.

After all, he was always right.

John Quincy Adams was elected President largely because of his record as Secretary of State, but even more on the strength of his father’s name. Even with that, he won in a very close four-candidate race.

Then, in office, he became a bit of a petulant twit. At least that is what I was taught as a kid.

He lost re-election, but became the only President ever to later become a member of Congress. And that was where history books stopped.

I think I know why.

An important resource for textbooks when I was a kid was research done half a century before. That research was not what you would call unbiased. It was heavily influenced by those decades after the Civil War. War weariness had set in. Radical Republicans were thought of as extremists who wanted to punish the former Confederacy by imposing harsh, unreasonable measures. Unmentioned was that those harsh measures mostly involved equality for former slaves.

In fact, a lot of effort seems to have been expended making making folks comfortable with reconciliation between North and South. Implicitly this meant Northern and Southern white folks. Why bring up more of the unpleasantness of war and the “peculiar institution” leading up to it than was already in the national consciousness?

Part of what was buried with the best-forgotten unpleasantness of slavery was the entertaining saga of President John Quincy Adams after he became plain old Congressman John Quincy Adams.

In the late 1830s Congressional Representatives from slaveholding regions began to get fed up with petitions favoring abolition. A lot of those came from an anti-slavery group in New York. The Constitution guaranteed the right of petition, but the irritation got to be too much.

Congress passed a rule forbidding consideration of petitions about slavery.

Then they banned any discussion about the petitions.

Then they banned any debate about slavery at all.

Former President John Quincy Adams was, by then, a member of the House. He began finding ways to force the issue. He presented a petition to allow petitions about slavery. During a debate about whether this would violate the gag rule, he went on at length about slavery.

Then he presented a petition from a group saying the spirit of the Declaration of Independence was against slavery. He was ruled out of order. When he presented another petition that simply asked Congress to respect the Declaration of Independence, that was ruled out of order.

He had actually provoked conservatives in Congress into banning the Declaration of Independence.

He asked for a ruling on whether a petition could be heard on whether to extend slavery, thus allowing for discussion against the petition. During the debate about the right to petition in favor of slavery, he spoke extensively about the topic.

Slaveholders were outraged. A motion was introduced to formally censure the former President. He had broken the rules of the House of Representatives by violating the gag order. Adams insisted that he had the right to defend himself against the charges. He used a lot of his time … you guessed it .. to discuss his feelings about slavery. After all, it pertained to the charges against him.

It finally occurred to conservatives that, if Adams was censured, it would make him very popular back in his congressional district in Massachusetts. He could resign, get re-elected, and come back stronger than ever. They were playing into his hands.

So they dropped the censure, or at least tried to. There was one member who rallied enough support in the house to keep the censure motion going. That member was John Quincy Adams himself. He insisted on a trial, during which he defended himself by talking at great length about slavery. Finally, censure failed in February 1842.

This sort of thing went on and on, year after year. Adams never seemed to wear down. Since the gag order said he could not present petitions from his constituents about slavery, he presented petitions from other Congressional Districts. Then petitions about the petitions. Each provoked protests from slaveholders, which produced debate, which allowed Adams to introduce more discussion about slavery. If he was not allowed to discuss slavery, he would discuss a discussion about slavery. Could more resolutions against the founding documents be far behind?

Eventually the House of Representatives got sick of being forced to come out against everything held sacred by Americans, including the Declaration of Independence, just to enforce a gag rule that was being violated anyway.

So the rule was abolished eight years after it was established.

Congress, the country, and the world lost John Quincy Adams two years after that. He died in February 1848.

175 years after the John Quincy Adams censure motion, almost to the day, Elizabeth Warren tried to read a letter by Coretta Scott King.

The widow of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King was a civil rights advocate in her own right. In 1986, she wrote a letter to the US Senate telling Senators that a candidate nominated by President Ronald Reagan for federal judge should not be confirmed.

She laid out the case that, as US Attorney in Alabama, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions had used his position to block civil rights. He had tried to intimidate those trying to register African American citizens to vote.

Mr. Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens in the district he now seeks to serve as a federal judge.

Coretta Scott King, March 19, 1986

Mrs. King pointed to specific actions on specific dates, with the names of specific innocent people who had been hounded for actively supporting the right of black people to vote. The letter and the details within it were devastating to Mr. Sessions. His nomination in 1986 was voted down.

Now more than 30 years later, Republicans charged Senator Warren with breaking Senate Rule 19, which says that a Senator cannot:

directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another senator or to other senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a senator.”

Strictly speaking, she did not say that Mr. Sessions was unworthy or unbecoming a Senator. He did, after all, meet the major requirement, that of of being elected by his constituents. She did impute to him conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming an Attorney General.

But, as Republican Leader Mitch McConnell put it:

She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.

She Persisted has turned into a political slogan. Clothing, posters, and internet memes have appeared with the label She Persisted.

A few history buffs have looked for parallels in the attack of Benjamin Tillman on a fellow Senator. I see another parallel in an earlier attempt to censor words and thoughts.

Congressman Adams, the member who had been President, provoked conservatives into the absurdity of banning the words of the Declaration of Independence.

Senator Warren provoked Republicans into the more modern absurdity of banning the words of Coretta Scott King.

Elizabeth Warren finds a kindred spirit, the original persister, in speaking truth in the face of power. I believe history will judge them both favorably.

History will also judge whether Mitch McConnell is more akin to Ben Tillman, the enraged segregationist who tried to pummel a fellow Senator into silence.

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None of this Stuff is Normal

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From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

The above picture is Trump at Mar-A-Lago, where he received a call that North Korea had launched a ballistic missile. Although you could call the resort very exclusive (as in “pricey”) I don’t think you could actually call it “secure”. As in, I don’t know that it’s actually ok that national security issues are mapped out in a place public enough that randos can take snaps of a curiously-composed CINC who seems cut-off from the flurry of discussion behind him-because a camera happens to be pointed in his direction.

This is fairly removed from a discussion one might have had about electronic communications occurring during the previous administration.

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Conservative Christianity and White Supremacy’s Kinship

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From John Pavlovitz:

This week while reflecting on the disheartening Evangelical Christian support for Donald Trump’s Muslim ban, I tweeted out these words:

Equality means believing that a child living 5,000 miles away is a precious as the one sleeping in your nursery right now.

The Tweet was shared by renown metrosexual hipster Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, whose black boot-licking fan boys swiftly descended from their parent’s basements, to hurl all sorts of online vulgarity at me from behind the safe anonymity of fake Twitter handles with photos of German stormtroopers and fatalistic Nietzsche quotes.

They marched lock-step to call me vile and evil, and to let me know that my “Jewishness” was showing.

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Sanders Pitches ‘Right’ to Healthcare: Cruz Checks Swing

found online by Raymond

From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara at Principled Perspectives:

What’s disappointing is that Cruz clearly understands rights. Why didn’t he just come out and say it?: Rights are guarantees to freedom of action to pursue your own goals and flourishing, not a automatic claim on goods and services that others must be forced to provide.

Cruz certainly implied it. But he needn’t have relied on implication. He quotes from the Declaration of Independence, which guarantees the right to the pursuit, not “access,” to happiness. Pursuit is a much clearer term: “So what is a right is the pursuit of health care” would have been a better line. Having “access” implies getting it. By fudging it, Cruz gave Sanders a great opening: “She has access. But she doesn’t have enough money.” Sanders is right on Cruz’s own terms, and he took full advantage it. If you’re going to argue for a right to access, then you’re implying that there is a right to access the money to pay for it.

Cruz needn’t have set himself up this way.

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Trump Resistance Similar to Tea Party, Except With Truth

found online by Raymond

From Jon Perr at PERRspectives:

On Feb. 8, 2009, CNBC talking head Rick Santelli helped launched the tea party movement with an epic rant on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. But eight years later, as Republicans are now learning the hard way, the tea bag is on the other cheek.

The signs of sizable, sustained, and seriously angry opposition to President Trump and the Republican agenda are everywhere. Trump’s first weekend was marked by the Women’s March that brought more than 3 million Americans to streets of cities and towns in states red and blue. His disturbing and dangerous executive order on immigration and travel was met with thousands of protesters in airports across the country, while an army of lawyers mobilized to protect visa holders and legal U.S. residents from Trump’s draconian Muslim ban.

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Studies into Danger of Buying Perfume as a Gift

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From The Journal of Improbable Research:

Craig Roberts, at the University of Stirling, warns you, based on his research, that there are “more reason to choose fragrances carefully”:

there is no one-scent-fits-all effect here. Different fragrances suit different people. In a study with my Czech colleague [Ig Nobel Prize winner] Jan Havlíček, we found that some people get this spectacularly wrong. While overall artificial fragrances improve the smell of their natural body odour, for some people, their armpit odour smells worse when they use their chosen fragrance – they have selected one that clearly doesn’t blend well with their own odour.

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Cold as Ice

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From nojo at Stinque:

In the first three weeks of the Trump administration, we have learned not to trust anything its representatives say.

This comes as no surprise.

To add an additional degree of civic epistemology, we have also learned not to trust anything they say about anything they said. For anyone speaking with Trump’s authority, truth is an undiscovered country.

Which is why, when we are told that this week’s raids on undocumented immigrants are merely a continuation of Obama’s policy, we have no reason not to conclude that such explanations are total bullshit.

Make no mistake, Obama was no stranger to deportations — 2.5 million people over his first six years in office, more than his predecessors.

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The Grammys!!

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From Max’s Dad:

Sorry I am too old to watch the Grammys like I used to when I was young because I have hit that age where I constantly holler at the TV “WHO IS THAT???”.

So I do what a lot of people do. Wait for Twitter to tell me whats up.

Last night at the Grammys was a duel between Beyonce and Adele. Adele I guess won and then refused to accept it. Well at least Kanye didnt run up onstage to rant about the apparent screw job. Who is better? I have no idea cuz I dont listen to either cuz like I said before I am old.

Two guys in their underwear accepted an award for something. Some du.o called the Chainsmokers accepted an award on behalf of David Bowie which I am glad I missed cuz I would have been hollering again. There was a saccharin tribute to the Bee Gees which I missed. The only time I turned it on live I saw some guy named Sturgill Simpson begin a song by twanging and I was gone.

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Escaping One’s Enemy

found online by Raymond

From Vincent at A Wayfarer’s Notes:

When I came across Psalm 124 recently, it was an encounter in actual life; for I came to it free of Christian and Jewish baggage; and its poetry touched something.

“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,”
Now may Israel say,
“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,
When men rose up against us ;
Then they had swallowed us up quick,
When their wrath was kindled against us ;
Then the waters had overwhelmed us,
The stream had gone over our soul ;
Then the proud waters had gone over our soul.
Blessed be the Lord,
Who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.
Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers ;
The snare is broken, and we are escaped.
Our help is in the name of the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.”

I didn’t care what was in the poet’s mind, what was happening to Israel, the nature of the attackers, what he meant by the Lord being on our side.

I read it simply as a joyous thanksgiving for having come through.

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