London Elects A Muslim Mayor And What It Means

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From Neil Bamforth at MadMikesAmerica:

The Labour Party’s Sadiq Khan has been voted in as London Mayor following a campaign that caused many large ripples on the political pond after the Conservative candidate, Zac Goldsmith, accused Khan of sharing political platforms with Islamic radicals and extremists. The voting population of London responded to such gibberish by voting Khan in as London Mayor with 57% of the vote – a complete annihilation of his opposition candidates.

Now it is, of course, true to say that ‘Islam’ is somewhat ‘problematic’ in the west, not just because of Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists but also because there is a deep rooted suspicion amongst many westerners that Islam is struggling to adapt to western culture and seems to muddle along expecting the west to adapt to Islam rather than the other way around and, of course, we quite rightly won’t.

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Girlfriends, But Not in America

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From Infidel 753:

In the last link round-up I mentioned the campaign asking Disney to reveal Queen Elsa of Frozen as a lesbian in the film’s likely sequel. Even if Disney adopts this idea, it would not be the first time that a globally-popular animation has featured openly-lesbian characters. There’s an interesting catch, though.

Sailor Moon is an animated TV series (there have also been some movies) originally produced in Japan in the 1990s. I’ve never watched it myself — it’s a kids’ show — but the title character is a sort of superhero alter-ego of an ordinary high-school girl, Usagi Tsukino, who leads a group of similar girl warriors with various super powers.

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Free Speech, Hate Speech, and the Choices We Make

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From (O)CT(O)PUS at The Swash Zone:

Our country is unique in practicing the most liberal form of free speech in the world. Yet, the right to free speech is by no means absolute. With freedom comes responsibility. Civil and criminal laws govern our conduct. The right to free speech does not include fraud, imminent incitement, perjury, theft of intellectual property, sedition, slander, smut, or beaches of national security.

European nations guarantee similar rights with a few notable exceptions. Invasions of privacy, hate speech against ethnic or racial minorities, any infringement of human rights, or Holocaust denial … these are prohibited and punishable by law.

In America, bigots may denigrate any nationality or minority group with impunity.

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The Naughty Little Secret of Creation Science

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From Dane Fletcher, guest writing for
The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser:

Christians play the theory of intelligent design like a philosophical checkmate. It’s chronic actually. Like chest-thumping silverbacks theistic ideologues in my corner of the cosmos swear that “design science” steals the origins debate.

I’ve been a committed, evangelical believer for over forty years. (I’m no outsider just hurling rhetorical stones.) The last ten years I’ve been a full-time pastor. And in that time I’ve found that us fundamentalist types worship our theological certainties nearly as much as we do our God.

And when we’re not worshiping them we’re wielding them like some kind of sacred bludgeon — but I digress.

I’ve seen it! (And done it.)

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Scarborough Just Absolutely NAILS the Problem With Trump

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From Tommy Christopher at Mediaite:

The ill-understood rise of real estate mogul and frustrated hand model Donald Trump to presumptive Republican presidential nominee has finally been cracked by the insightful mind of Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough, who has figured out what will finally do Trump in. On Tuesday morning, co-host Mika Brzezinski read the absent Scarborough’s latest op-ed in the appropriately hushed tones for such a piercing and momentous revelation.

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Humpty Trumpty Built a Great Wall

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From Capt. Fogg at Human Voices:

“But now the big banks are back in the party, pushing for Hillary Clinton to beat Donald Trump.”

Writes Bill Moyers and if you’re like most people, seeking signs and marshaling facts to back up your emotionally derived and factless delusions, you’ll read that as evidence she will be controlled by that nebulous straw man “wall street.”

Didn’t really work all the other times financial interests contributed to other candidates, and of course no matter how much some brokerage house gave her, we don’t know how much they gave to others, do we? And of course the only reason people heavily involved in managing the wealth of nations would contribute is because she’s a patsy, right?

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Trump A Lump!

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From Max’s Dad:

He was here and spoke in an airplane hangar to anywhere from 1600 to 3500 bad jointed waddling olds and bad brained bigots. Or in Trump math, 10,000 enthusiastic supporters.

Introduced by our talking hard boiled egg Governor, or as the clueless Trump emcee called him, Senator Pete Ricketts, Trump carried on about this and that, more specifically Bobby Knight to Florida golf to Trump steaks to flying to Mars. I have no idea what he was talking about because it was like listening to Abe Simpson yammer on about an onion on his belt. Yay!!!!!!!

Trump, who never ever uses a teleprompter (gee really?) like that Obummer does, in his latest attempt to not sound like a straw haired sociopath, actually looked at a notebook to act outraged over a tragedy that occurred here in Omaha months ago.

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How Trump Might Just Destroy the World Economy

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Raymond: Starting each day at this site will advance mental health.

From Iron Knee at Political Irony:

If you were worried about whether Donald Trump would destroy our economy, you don’t have to worry any more. In an interview last week on CNBC, Trump explained how he was going to destroy our economy. Bonus points: he will not just destroy our economy, but likely most of the world economy.

Don’t believe me?

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Trump Can’t Win? Really?

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From nojo at Stinque:

And here we are.

We weren’t supposed to be here — we were punditsplained for months how this was not merely unlikely, but totally impossible — but anybody paying attention could see it happening, almost from the start.

Really: Calling John McCain a loser because he was a POW? And getting away with it? Put away your statistical analysis, nerds. We’re in uncharted territory here.

And yet, since Donald Trump won Indiana Tuesday night, we’ve been treated to a barrage of new assurances that It Can’t Happen Here. And you’ll forgive us if we’re in no hurry to pop the champagne.

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