Cooking COVID, Suing COVID, Force Schools, Portland Invasion, Ivanka

Centers for Disease Control

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Trump on the Bounty, Trump Taxed, Trump Triumph, Jesus Jammed

Street in front of Trump Tower, NYC

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Graham Cracked, Bounty, Trump Briefs, Campaign, Texas Power, Technocrazy

Trump in the Dumps – Returning from the Failed Rally in Tulsa
  • Frances Langum examines the Senator’s options as she watches Lindsey Graham wriggle around his blind support of all things Trump. Options? Seems there are none.
  • So the evidence grows daily that Putin really did put a death bounty on the heads of American troops. My president insists it’s all a hoax, but more details come out to substantiate the kill payments. In Hackwhackers yet another detail: a key contact is identified, an Afghan middleman who helped make sure the right bounties were delivered after killings were verified.
  • Cato’s Julian Sanchez observes the Trump-Putin-Bounty scandal and asks an obvious question. If Trump didn’t know about reports that Russians had put a bounty on the lives of American soldiers, and that’s why he did nothing about it, why has he done nothing since the rest of us began reading about it?
  • In Scotties Toy Box, the third cartoon down makes the same point. The other graphics are worth extending the visit.
  • In Letters from an American, Heather Cox Richardson detects a pattern. Trump apologists are saying the president was not aware of the Russian bounty for the killing of each US soldier and was not aware earlier of the corona virus. Trump doesn’t like to read, so it won’t matter what’s found in the presidential daily briefings. Especial!y since…
    …everything that went wrong was all because of inadequate briefings by a negligent CIA analyst. The analyst downplayed the pandemic in January. Then, in February, she neglected to mention the Russian bounty at all. So my president had no responsibility for anything, right?
  • Andy Borowitz summarizes the scattered confetti of desperate excuses put out by Trump defenders for my president’s ignorance: Trump did not read the bounty briefs because he was busy not reading the coronavirus briefs.

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Fox Kills, COVID Kills, Tremble Glass, Trump on the Bounty, BadBarr, Aw Hell

President Trump’s Drinking Problem
  • This is real. News Corpse details three separate studies that link watching Fox News with dying from COVID-19.
  • Oh wow! This is a few seconds of impressive drama. Nan’s Notebook turns a boring graph into a rapid month and day race between COVID-19 and other illnesses. COVID-19 starts way behind. Guess who wins bigly?
  • Here in Missouri, our governor feels no guilt about the spike in COVID-19 deaths while he refused to take steps against the pandemic. Iron Knee at Political Irony listens to Governor Mike Parson compare coronavirus deaths to car fatalities. After all, he doesn’t feel guilty at every accident. Political Irony performs vivisection on that logic and leaves it in quivering pieces.
  • nojo watches my neighborhood as, down the street (okay, couple miles) from where I live, police cover a Black Lives Matter slogan with blue paint, and describes a deeper problem than Mr. Trump. nojo is right about that.
    However, local reports by the usually reliable St. Louis Post Dispatch have the repainting ordered and conducted by the City Department of Streets, who required police to stand by. There were a handful of arrests after the third repainting, which I find more satiric than does my loved one:
    We paint, they paint. We paint, they paint. We paint, police come. Hey Wait, it was our turn! Protests are supposed to be provocative, after all.
    Peaceful violation of the law, with the expectation of arrest, strikes me as respectful of the rule of law. That tradition traces back to Henry David Thoreau, continues with Mohandas K. Gandhi, and becomes iconic in the segregated south with the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King.
  • Scotties Toy Box, in one brief sentence, explains what joins bigotry and a flag to produce irony.
  • I’m unsure of the year. All I know is it was before I was 7. I do know I was a little kid when I first heard a neighbor insist he was not racist because he had black friends. Now that that’s passé, Frances Langum finds another bit of logic. Right wing folk prove they are not racist when they gather with friends and talk about something else.

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Statues, History, and Heritage

Sometimes the way war criminals are regarded depends on the era in which we live.
In a span of 75 years, Americans had hoped to come closer to the founding ideals.
Our standards should not have gone downward.

General Anton Dostler, moments before execution by firing squad, December 1, 1945

At the end of World War II, the American high command finally discovered what had happened to 15 US soldiers who had been captured by Germans in Italy.

The Americans had been sent on a mission behind enemy lines to destroy an important railroad tunnel. But the mission failed and they were captured by combined Italian and German forces. General Anton Dostler ordered that they be executed as spies.

The local German commander protested. They weren’t spies. The soldiers were not dressed in civilian clothes. They all wore United States military uniforms. They did not even carry any clothing other than the uniforms they were wearing. International law was well established. You cannot execute enemy soldiers as spies if they wear the uniforms of their own armed forces.

General Dostler issued the order in print, sending an official telegram.

Execute the commando team.
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Voting Won’t Work, BLM, Aunt Jemima, Confederate Teaching, Juneteenth

Sarah Cooper Explains How to Lincoln:

  • You want to change things? You need to vote, right?
    Jonathan Bernstein says voting is essential but it won’t work, at least not alone. You need to take it to the street: protests, activists, donations, reporters, and more.
  • Back when he was in office, Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker pushed through a law that would cut health and retirement benefits for public employees and substantially reduce their right to collectively bargain. Fairly typical anti-union conservatism.
    Police unions were exempted. It was not an oversight. Busting police unions was not what conservatives had in mind.
    Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson says it’s time to expand the law and apply it to police. Bust them unions. They stand in the way of reform. You know – – like conservatives have always said about all unions.
  • Since Aunt Jemima has gone the way of all syrup, the pressure is now on another brand. Ant Farmer’s Almanac finds that the parent company of Uncle Ben’s Rice will replace the current face on the box. The thought is that Ben Affleck is somebody’s uncle. Uncle Ben Affleck’s Rice.
    Okay, so they’re kidding. Satire. I knew it all along.
  • Frances Langum sadly notes that simple human decency is not enough to get Mississippi to take that racist confederate symbol out of its state flag, but maybe basketball can succeed where virtue fails.

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