Sean Hannity Goes All-Caps On Twitter: ‘Stop Lying About Me!’

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Sean Hannity

From Frances Langum:

Probably time for Sean to go on a “scheduled vacation.” And lawyer up with someone better than Joe DiGenova

So Michael Cohen’s Client Number 3, Sean Hannity, is once again in the spider’s web of Trumpdom.

Don’t pretend you didn’t climb in there all by yourself, Sean. Hannity has autographed MAGA hats at Trump rallies. He’s in up to his eyeballs in Trumpworld.

But this same Sean Hannity is mentioned in the testimony transcripts of George Kent.

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In Flanders Fields the Poppies Blow…

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In Flanders Fields…

From Dorian de Wind, Associate Editor, The Moderate Voice:

Every Memorial Day and every Veterans Day we read essays meant to explain the differences between the two Days; to clarify whom exactly these Days honor and celebrate; to clear up “misconceptions” about them; to provide historical and legislative context; to compare them to similar Days in other countries — even to clear up confusion about the correct spelling of Veterans Day:

A lot of people think it’s “Veteran’s Day” or “Veterans’ Day,” but they’re wrong. The holiday is not a day that “belongs” to one veteran or multiple veterans, which is what an apostrophe implies. It’s a day for honoring all veterans — so no apostrophe needed.

Simply – but not lightly – said, our Veterans Day is a day meant to thank and honor all the brave men and women, both living and deceased, who answered the call to serve in our armed forces both in war and peace. But, the Defense Department adds, “…it’s largely intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices…”

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Not So Ruby Tuesday, Lies, Fraud, RasPutin, Shutdown, Sean Melts

Andy Beshear, Kentucky Democrat, Victory Speech

Continue reading “Not So Ruby Tuesday, Lies, Fraud, RasPutin, Shutdown, Sean Melts”

A Preacher Whines About How Preachers are Treated Today

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Respected Pastors Pastor without Enough Respect

From The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser:

In IFB churches, pastors are often considered God’s bloodhounds. Supposedly, they have a nose for sin — well a nose for every sin but their own. According to Domelle, people distance themselves from the “man of God” because they fear he will discover their sin. Wait a minute, Bruce, I thought people’s sins were between them and God. Maybe, but pastors of IFB churches are the equivalent of the Pope. They are Christ’s representatives on earth, given the duty and responsibility to suss out the sinful behavior of congregants.

The “man of God” oversees the lives of church members, both at church and home. His eyes are ever watching for “sin.” What is “sin” you ask? Why, whatever the man of God says it is. His interpretation of the Bible is the standard by which all things are judged. Interpreting the Bible differently is viewed as rebellion against not only God, but the “man of God.” One pastor I knew well told me, “how can a man of God rule over his church unless he rules over EVERYTHING?” His question reveals the fact that authoritarianism breeds absolutism. The pastor is absolutely right all the time. Why? Because he is the “man of God.” Is it any wonder that some people consider the IFB church movement a cult?

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Can Trump Bring Himself Even to Try Attracting Suburban Voters?

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Does Trump Even Want to Appeal to Suburban Voters?

From Iron Knee at Political Irony:

It seems like the Republicans were indeed blowing smoke when they claimed they had internal polls showing that impeachment was increasing Donald Trump’s popularity. Because the only polls that actually matter are the ones that happen on an election day, like the one yesterday.

On Monday, the day before the election, Trump held a rally in Kentucky in support of the current Republican governor, Matt Bevin. Trump even begged the attendees to vote for Bevin, saying “You can’t let that happen to me!” because it would mean “Trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the world.” After all, in 2016 Trump won Kentucky by a huge 30 points.

It didn’t work.

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This Isn’t Christianity

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Touching the Hem of His Garment

From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

No, this thing is the antithesis of all of it.

This isn’t Christianity—at least, not if we’re going to listen to Jesus.

Where Jesus implored Christians to love and to care for and to show hospitality to their neighbors—this drives people to fear them and have contempt for them and send them back and wall them off.

Where Jesus directed Christians to pray and to give in quiet and secret—this is a shameless, staged photo op to engender applause.

Where Jesus told Christians that they would be defined by the way in which they lavishly love humanity—this is a malicious assault on nearly all of it.

Where Jesus directed Christians to live humbly and take the lowest place—this is arrogance and boasting and self-promotion.

Where Jesus fed multitudes and healed sick without asking for repayment—this is healthcare repeals and canceled school lunch programs and “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps disdain for the needy.

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NRA Issues ‘F’ Rating To Bugs Bunny For Tying Guns Into Pretzel Shape

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B. Bunny Violating Sacred Gun Rights

From The Onion:

“Time and time again, we have seen this radical agitator seeking to curtail the Second Amendment rights of Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam by twisting their lawfully purchased firearms into a big bow,” said CEO Wayne LaPierre, telling reporters that the Looney Tunes star’s history of contorting even low-capacity firearms such as shotguns was depriving everyday citizens of their freedoms and earning him the lobby’s lowest rating.

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Deadspin Orders Staff to Stick to Sports

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Deadspin Staff Ordered to “Stick to Sports”

From nojo:

Stick to sports. Pay no attention to the money behind the curtain. Pay no attention to what that money does to a program, what it does to the people running the program, what it does to the community surrounding it. Wait for a scandal, then confine yourself to the specific people caught up in it. Ignore the money that bred those conditions in the first place.

While you’re there, ignore every city whose taxpayers have been soaked by professional teams whose wealthy owners would rather have someone else pay for new stadiums. Ignore the fact that professional sports is a big business run by raving socialists. Don’t desecrate that taxpayer-funded field with your political gestures. But don’t forget to enjoy the color guards and military flyovers!

Deadspin, a site we rarely read because we have no interest in sports, approached sports with that attitude, sports in society, sports as part of a larger whole, an integrated whole, at least in our culture. You cannot look at sports without seeing the rest. You cannot help seeing how sports affect the rest, and how the rest affects sports. And you cannot help writing about what you see, how you see it. That’s what writers are supposed to do. Writers don’t stick to sports because sports don’t stick to sports. Hey, you hear how the President of the United States got roundly booed at a prominent sports event? Again?

Sports have never stuck to sports.

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Trump Has Tweeted Over 11,300 Times In Office

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Trump Tweets

From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

The chart to the right shows what Trump has tweeted about. Most of the tweets were attacks on people or organizations that made him mad.

Note the tweets at the bottom of the chart. 16 times he has tweeted that he is everyone’s favorite president. That shows that he lives in his own bubble of alternate reality. No respectable poll has shown at any time since he was sworn in that a majority liked him as a person, thought he was doing a good job, or considered him to be honest and trustworthy.

– See the Chart at jobsanger –

Trump’s Definition of “Fairness”

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Trump Defines Fairness

From Our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit:

It’s pretty clear, in reading articles about how Trump gripes about the press being unfair, that to Trump, being “fair” to him is covering Trump like a slavish toady, an all-in bootlicker.

His definition of fairness is no more evolved than that of a toddler who has just learned the word.

It’s pretty pathetic, really.

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