Preaching the Anti-Abortion Gospel

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From The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser:

Our recent vacation found Polly and me in downtown Lexington, Kentucky. We were amazed (and disheartened) by how many downtown churches there were — mainly Baptist — and the seemingly ubiquitous homeless and panhandlers. I told Polly, “look at all these big, fancy, rich churches, yet hungry, out-of-work, homeless people abound. So much for taking care of and ministering to the least of these.”

While poking around — one of our favorite pastimes — we came upon a rolling advertisement for the anti-abortion gospel. I say anti-abortion and not pro-life because most Evangelical “pro-lifers” are not actually pro-life.

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Who to Blame Today

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From driftglass:

For the record, no one should be the least bit surprised that the leader of the Republican Party blames Republicans for his failure as if they were some other party in some other country on some other planet along some other timeline.

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Yes, even Fox News…

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From the Bjork Report:

…is now on-board with pushing a criminal probe into Donny Jr.’s meeting with the Russians. As I’ve mentioned before, it would be interesting to know how Fox viewers are responding to Fox’s gradual about-face. On many of their shows they are now sending the same anti-Trump signals as CNN and even MSNBC.

My guess is they’ve determined that Trumpsky has wrecked the GOP’s legislative agenda and, as a result, they want Trumpsky out and Pence in.

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Why Trump Goes Flake Squeezing

The Christine Jorgensen Story was a bit of a stylistic throwback, even in 1970. It was kind of a low-grade melodrama, but the sympathetic treatment of its subject was groundbreaking.

In 1970, we were barely emerging from an ethos in which any sort of sexual divergence from socially approved norms was considered perversion.

Christine Jorgensen was a real person. She had started life as George and became Christine through sex reassignment surgery in 1951. That was way, way before transgender became a word known to much of anyone. The film introduced the idea to a resistant society. Most viewers had to have nodded in recognition of our common upbringing:

George, remember? I told you before. Your sister has her toys, and you have yours.

Look, you have so many lovely toys of your own. Come over. Take a look at your Erector set, why don’t we build something?

Your father will be so proud of you. Let’s build a beautiful, big skyscraper. The best building, the most beautiful building, in all the world.

The Christine Jorgensen Story, 1970

The film brought her into what would probably have been a fleeting bit of fame. But then she found herself at the center of a United States Senate campaign.

When Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in 1968, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller appointed a Republican to take his place in the United States Senate. Rockefeller had always been more conservative than was generally acknowledged. He had a reputation as a liberal Republican mostly because of his clashes with what we euphemistically called “cultural conservatives” in those days. That was the polite, politically correct term for those who thought black people were too damn pushy about voting rights and anti-discrimination laws. In those days, lots of folks felt that black people should have been grateful that lynching had been confined mostly to the south.

Rockefeller appointed conservative Congressman Charles Goodell to fill Kennedy’s seat. Goodell was not well known except as a sort of right winger. But a student intern from Wellesley College, working in his office, described him as a thoughtful man who had growing concerns about the conflict in Vietnam. That conservative Republican student was developing doubts of her own. Her name was Hillary Rodham.

After Goodell became Senator Goodell, he began openly questioning the war. Soon, he was speaking out at protest rallies. I remember listening to him him as we peaceably assembled in October, 1970 in Washington DC. He voiced his departure from a vain and tragic hope:

That we can convert, by words alone, a corrupt Saigon government into a government representative and responsive to the needs of its people.

Senator Charles Goodell, October, 1970

It was not a surprise that the Nixon administration conducting that war was not happy that their conservative friend was urging us to get out of a losing situation. President Nixon sent Spiro Agnew out to destroy Senator Goodell.

Those of us who remember Nixon’s Vice President are most likely to recall a few pithy phrases:

…an effete core of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals.


nattering nabobs of negativism.

His attacks on Charles Goodell were, at first, notable:

I will NOT support a radical liberal no matter what party he belongs to.

Then they became spectacular. His most aggressive attack seems pretty mild today. At the time, the words were considered so inflammatory they were disowned and criticized by Republican candidates for office across the country. He was asked about his criticisms about Senator Goodell, who was, after all, a member of his own party.

If you look at the statements Mr. Goodell made during his time in the House and compare them with some of the statements I have been referring to, you will find that he is truly the Christine Jorgensen of the Republican Party.

Spiro Agnew, October 8, 1970, New Orleans

And so Christine Jorgensen became a household name. She was the subject of interviews, mentioned inferentially in films and television shows for decades. Christine Jorgensen died of cancer in 1987 at the age of 62.

Charles Goodell was defeated in his 1970 re-election campaign. The New York liberal vote was divided between Goodell and Democrat Richard Ottinger. Conservative Party candidate James Buckley was elected for a term with slightly more than a third of the votes cast.

I occasionally think about that 1970 campaign. It was a contentious and discouraging year. The attack using Christine Jorgensen’s name forced me to think about, and to be ashamed of, the way I had always considered sexuality and those whose orientation differed from my own.

Now I think about 1970 as a year of protest. And I think about the spectacle of a conservative Republican national administration targeting an otherwise conservative Republican Senator for defeat because of genuine differences of conscience.

Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is said already to be a target of the Trump administration in next year’s campaign.

The White House has met with at least three actual or prospective primary challengers to Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake in recent weeks, a reflection of Donald Trump’s strained relations with the senator and the latest sign of the president’s willingness to play hardball with lawmakers who cross him — even Republican incumbents.

Politico, July 17, 2017

It seems unlikely that this is a result of the failure of healthcare repeal. It is true that Senator Flake did not endorse the last proposals to end healthcare for millions of people. Neither had several other Republican Senators who are not targeted by our President.

Mike Lee of Utah and Jerry Moran of Kansas announced they would vote against repeal. Two other Republican Senators, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Susan Collins of Maine had already said they would vote no on repeal. They were not targeted by Donald Trump for defeat.

Senator Flake has not yielded to loud and persistent pressure from his constituents to come out against healthcare repeal. He has refused to oppose President Trump.

In fact, on most issues, Senator Jeff Flake is among the Senate’s most reliable conservatives. The NRA is enthusiastic about him. Opponents of abortion rights give him a 100% rating. He is a hardline hawk on deficit spending. He is a firm advocate for a balanced budget amendment. He opposes gay marriage. He is a reliable vote against any enforcement of laws against hate crimes that target gay people. The list goes on and on.

Yet President Trump vowed to spend a million dollars of his own money to defeat Senator Flake. Why?

Here’s why.

In 2016, Senator Jeff Flake was reported to have told then candidate Trump that some of his remarks about women were personally offensive, and that some positions seemed like those of a hopeless bigot. He told him that to his face.

Here is what he said publicly:

There are certain things you can’t do as a candidate, and some of the things he’s done, I think, are beyond the pale.

Senator Jeff Flake, June 12, 2016

And there it is: the difference between today and almost half a century ago.

In 1970:

Spiro Agnew worked at provocation. He used alliterative phraseology to attract attention to what he called “positive polarization.” But, in the end, his motivation was an actual important difference.

Senator Goodell has sought, flamboyantly and ceaselessly, to openly divorce himself from our President and from the Nixon administration.

Spiro Agnew, October 7, 1970

The word for that is policy.

And today:

A year ago, Senator Jeff Flake told his constituents, and told Donald Trump to his face, that he didn’t like how Mr. Trump was acting. The President still seethes with resentment.

The word for that is petty.

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Innocent by Reason of

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From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

Focusing on Donald Jr. as a contact-point between Russian operatives and the Trump campaign has certainly kicked up a lot of defenses of Donald Trump Sr’s baby boy. Or should I say, middle-aged baby boy. It bothers the hell out of me when a grown man, something like mere days younger than the leader of France, and old enough to be president himself according to the US Constitution, and certainly old enough to run (supposedly without his father’s input) the Trump family’s international company–and yet, some people think this “kid” should get soft treatment for not knowing that dealing with representatives (or people purporting to be representatives) of a foreign power is not actually normal campaign behavior for a political campaign, and having intel shopped in front of you kind of is mighty collusion-ish…

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Trump Flake with Silly Prop Gets Crispy Burnt by Joy Reid

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From Tommy Christopher:

Trump White House counselor Kellyanne Conway may have started a welcome trend through her desperate use of bizarre flash cards to distract from the series of collusion bombshells that exploded this week. On Saturday morning’s “AM Joy” show, another guest deployed a similar tactic in order to flack for Trump and his band of bumbling associates.

In discussing the Trump Tower Russian collusion meeting, which has now officially grown to the size of the entire Medicaid population, former CIA analyst and current Trump apologist extraordinaire Fred Fleitz tried to make a bizarre point using an even more bizarre prop.

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Jay-Z’s Pro-Blackness is Hugely Overrated

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From Darcwonn at The Intersection of Madness and Reality:

Within hip hop, going political meant going against the powers that be for a better existence.

The problem within hip hop is that much of the political artform isn’t celebrated as it used to be. Long gone are the days of collab tracks like “Self Destruction” and “We All In The Same Gang”. Groups like Public Enemy are more viable toward historical revisits on Unsung. And when was the last time a politically charged hip hop album went platinum? Most mainstream rappers shy away from these types of topics nowadays out of fear, loathing, and misunderstanding.

Enter Jay-Z’s album 4:44.

When 4:44 dropped, the world was ablaze about the music and the message. After a few weeks, a simple realization set in: people were shocked to see a grown up Jay-Z. Instead of talking about reckless riches, he was trying to educate the masses on how to spend their money. Instead of talking up his masculinity, he reflected on his mother’s lesbianism. Instead of shirking his husbandly duties, he admitted to his marital follies. In the end, Sean Carter decided to be a man’s man instead of a boy’s man.

Just because Jay-Z decided to grow up doesn’t mean that he put out a political album. And that is where Greg Tate got it wrong in his article The Politicization of Jay-Z in Village Voice.

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