Speculating Wildly – Pelosi

found online by Raymond


Nancy Pelosi     [Image from Los Angeles Times]

From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

The place where I am deeply upset with Pelosi, Politico lightly touches upon: she has never made the effort to train new leadership coming up through the ranks.

Maybe this is just my professional training, but the first thing we learned in management is that you always, Always, ALWAYS find and train your eventual successor. Pelosi has not done that, and the leadership of the Democrats is creaking with old age; one small outbreak of the Trump-Virus and a whole generation of experience is gone with no one left knowing how she did it.

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Donald Trump Wins Re-Election After All

Americans Reconsider

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Trump threatens to leave America if he loses     [Image from Biden/Harris Campaign Ad]

From The Onion:

WASHINGTON—Shrugging their shoulders as they admitted it made no difference to them either way, the American people confirmed Monday that they guessed they would let Donald Trump remain president after seeing how badly he wants it.

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Conservatives Fail My Unintentional Test in Basic American History

Benedict Who?
Who the hell is Benedict Arnold?

So I slam General Michael Flynn, again and again.
I point out the obvious parallels with another brave American military hero, who also later betrayed his country.

Been “liked” by conservative supporters of Flynn.
This and other tweets.

To my new conservative friends:
These were not intended to be a combined IQ test.

Voters? Matter? Seriously? To Republicans in the Senate?

found on Twitter by Burr

This is like an audition for the role of villain

…villain in a low budget television series

for very small children

who need to see the bad guy as clearly evil

Capitalism vs. Socialism:
Friedman or Rand?

found online by Raymond


     [Image from ReasonTV]

Socialism is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Anyone who disagrees is not only wrong, but is pure evil.

From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

The Atlas Society ran this video of Milton Friedman explaining why capitalism is Superior to Socialism. With respect to Friedman, I think he epitomizes why Socialism keeps winning.

Friedman defines Socialism as a system of social organization in which the government owns and runs the means of production. So he’s talking about what I describe as Criminal Socialism. Good start.

But he then grants proponents of socialism the benefit of the doubt — good intentions. I don’t believe good intentions to be fundamental to the Socialist mind. Given the well-known history of Criminal, or state-imposed, Socialism in practice, any good intentions are just a reflection of ignorance.

But I don’t see ignorance as the prime attraction for Socialists. The attractions are much lower.

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found online by Raymond

From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

Find them, but like, where? Under the rug? Or maybe “find” them by throwing out an equivalent number of Biden votes?

Georgia’s electoral votes alone wouldn’t take Trump over 270, so it stands to reason (I think) that similar calls have taken place with other states. In the hour long call, the president sounded delusional, repeating voter fraud conspiracy theories popular on the fringes that he has no proof for, and really, he sounds desperate.

The deal is–Trump lost despite voter suppression in Georgia. How much help does the guy deserve? He claims Senate Republicans were helped by him in their elections, but since he lost, that doesn’t sound right, does it?

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American Inception

found online by Raymond


Million MAGA March, Washington, DC, November 14, 2020     [Image from USA TODAY]

From nojo:

The thing to understand is that 74,223,744 people voted for Donald Trump.

That’s almost 12 million more votes than last time.

Trump lost both votes, of course. He lost by almost 3 million four years ago, and by 7 million last November.

But still, he gained. Four years of this — four years of all this — and he improved. Substantially.

Thing is, these are real people. You probably know a few. If you’re unfortunate, you know a lot. You know where they come from. You know how they think.

You know the problem.

It’s hard to get at it, to say it in so many words. “Delusional” comes to mind, but what is that really? How does that get at how thoroughly these people are living in a fantasy of their own construction, yet are somehow able to reach their mouths with their forks without stabbing themselves in the eye? How generous is our cruel world that they’re able to survive, even flourish in it, yet remain so detached from the reality of it?

The word we’re looking for isn’t delusional. It’s psychotic.

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When a Small Threat of a Major Disaster is Unacceptable

found on Twitter by Burr