Marquette Poll Edgecast: Good News For Republicans in Wisconsin

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From Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson:

Brian Fraley, the former managing editor of RightWisconsin and current President of Edge Messaging, spoke with Edge Messaging’s Dan Deibert about the latest Marquette University Law School Poll results released on Wednesday.

Deibert asked Fraley about the right track – wrong track numbers in the poll.

“Very good if you’re an incumbent actually,” Fraley said. “Right direction, wrong track, 53-41, a plus 12 advantage. Traditionally that bodes very well if you’re an incumbent running for re-election.”

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Trump Speaks Like a Mob Boss

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From Earth-Bound Misfit:

I’m sure that John Gotti and other mobsters have had the same opinion about flipping minions as does Trump. And for the same reasons.

Trump has been essentially complaining for over a year that he can’t use the Justice Department and the FBI as his personal goon squad. Sessions finally pushed back.

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Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty After Giuliani Offers to Be His Lawyer

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From The Borowitz Report:

In an interview with Jake Tapper, on CNN, the former New York City mayor said that he had offered to give Cohen “the kind of defense that only I am capable of giving.”

“The minute I said that, the blood drained from his face and he was out of there like a shot,” Giuliani said. “It was the strangest thing I’d ever seen.”

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Why Do People Find Communism So Terrifying?

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From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

Not all people find it terrifying. Only people who have some understanding of its actual nature.

Communism** is an outgrowth of collectivism. Collectivism is rooted in altruism. Altruism is the moral doctrine that the individual has no moral right to live for himself; that self-sacrificial service to others is his only moral purpose. It follows logically that altruism is the moral road that leads straight to collectivism.

Collectivism is the doctrine that the good of the group is the standard of morality. Since Communism is a political manifestation of collectivism, Communism embodies the principle that each and every member of society must live through, for the sake of, and at the expense of everyone else, not for oneself. “Society,” however, is an abstraction. Society is not a conscious entity separate from the individuals that comprise it: It is not an entity capable of acting in its own interests. Only individuals are capable of acting, and society is comprised of individuals. Yet communism claims that society has interests that supersede the interests of the individuals that comprise it. Since society cannot act on its own–that is, independent of individual thought and initiative–who, then, assumes the authority to represent society’s interests? A ruling political elite, acting through the mechanism of the state.

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Marijuana May Prevent Memory Loss In The Elderly

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From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

Despite what the federal government would have you believe, marijuana is an effective treatment for many medical ailments — a treatment with no bad side-effects.

Now it looks like there’s another condition that marijuana could help with — memory loss due to aging, and possibly even delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. That’s the conclusion that German researchers have received after performing experiments with mice.

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Censorship and Its Targets

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From Infidel753:

If you support hate-speech laws, you probably assume that it would be you and people like you who get to define what constitutes “hate speech”. But it might not be. What if such laws banned telling the truth about Christianity or Republicans, the way they ban telling the truth about Islam in the Middle East and some European countries? That would actually be very plausible in our current situation, if the First Amendment didn’t exist. Trump and his supporters constantly attack the media and call for restrictions on expressing opinions they don’t like. If hate-speech laws were possible here, Colbert and Maher would have a lot more to worry about than Limbaugh (or Jones).

Censorship is seldom imposed to stop people from telling lies. Lies can be exposed and thus present little threat to the powerful. It’s those who tell uncomfortable truths that must be silenced, for they do pose a threat.

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Big Brother Don And “The Brotherhood”

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From Dave Dubya:

Has anyone else noted the tendency of those wrapping themselves in “liberty”, the flag, and Bible are always shilling for the Orwellian agenda of the far Right and economic elites?

I pulled out my old copy of “1984”, just to see how far we’ve descended as a nation. The frightening realization was this. We are not at the bottom yet, but the downward trajectory is steeper than ever.

“Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what’s happening.” Big Brother Don.

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From Doubt To Certainty: Nothing To See Here, America, Move Along

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From Shaun Mullen at The Moderate Voice:

Even absent a court ruling or our ears ringing from the discharge of a smoking gun, the corner between doubt and certainty concerning collusion was turned when the available evidence — as opposed to all the stuff we still don’t know that is locked in Robert Mueller’s safe — grew so enormous, the meetings between Trumpkins and Russian cut-outs dismissed by the president’s sycophancy as mere coincidences grew so numerous, the denials and shifting explanations became so arcane, the kissing of Vladimir Putin’s ass so egregious and the lies so bold that there no longer was any question that Trump did not merely collude, and in doing so broke the law and violated his oath of office.

His betrayal of the American people has been not merely historic, it is enormous.

From a chronological perspective, the corner was turned for me about a year ago.

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