
found online by Raymond

From Max’s Dad:

I see some old man taking a tour of the White House got to sit at the big boy desk and get his picture taken with his fake phone call….oh wait, thats an actual picture released by the White House allegedly showing the Coot in Chief “working”? This IS the funniest White House ever, well anyway 2nd funniest next to that zany Nixon White House.

This government shutdown, 100% the fault of an evil triumvirate of The Racist in Chief, a shitheel named McConnell, and a punk named Ryan, goes on and on because one Stephen Miller, the white supremacist in Trump’s ear, insists it go on

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Schumer Shutdown, DACA, and Roe v. Wade

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From T. Paine, at Saving Common Sense:

First, the asinine and cynically corrupt fools that participated in the Schumer shutdown of the government should be held accountable with the loss of their seats of power, if there were indeed any justice left in this nation. Why these folks would vote against a spending bill which funds all the pet projects that the Democrats adore and contains nothing of substance for which they loathe is beyond me.

They have chosen, under the “leadership” of Senate minority leader Schumer to place the desires of DACA people over that of all other Americans. The truly ironic fact that displays the cynicism of these folks that care more for illegal aliens and expanding their own political power through the immigration of more future Democrats is that congressional work on DACA was proceeding well already. There was no need to attach a non-related immigration rider onto this spending bill.

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“Equal Sovereignty” of the States in the Age of Trump

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From Jon Perr at PERRspectives:

Less than a week into the new year, the Trump administration kicked off 2018 with one of the most cynical and craven acts of political favoritism in recent American history. On January 4, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke unveiled the Draft Five Year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program. That massive gift to Donald Trump’s backers in the oil and gas industry would open virtually the entire coastal United States to energy exploration and drilling. Then just five days later, Zinke delivered another reward for loyalty, this time to Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott. The Sunshine State, home to 29 electoral votes, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, and Scott’s likely 2018 Senate bid, would get an exemption from the unpopular drilling expansion.

Zinke made no secret as to the reason why Florida was to be so blessed.

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Another Ground For Impeachment

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From Green Eagle:

Yesterday, Donald Trump imposed a 30% tariff on foreign components of solar energy systems, which currently make up 80% of the parts in these systems. This unilateral action on his part is about to result in a huge increase in the cost of these systems.

This action in itself is an abomination, forcing many to continue to rely on fossil fuels, which are destroying our world. However, there is another side to this which I have not seen anyone mention. This constitutes the use of the Presidency to favor a segment of industry which has massively contributed to his campaign and to the campaigns of other Republicans.

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Meanwhile, Back at Bannon

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From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

Steve Bannon has decided in all his wisdom to talk to Robert Mueller of his own accord rather than be subpoenaed to appear before a Grand Jury. This of course means that he will have his attorney(s) present, and Mueller will have the FBI present and lying to the FBI is a felony.

In effect Bannon is a man without a country: he has nothing left to lose, having lost it all, and so the real question is who will he turn on.

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The Trump Shutdown

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From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

It isn’t an entire year that Donald Trump has been president, and yet, with Republicans in control of both houses of Congress, the government is now facing a shutdown because, as everyone probably should have known during 2016 but just enough failed to take into account–he hasn’t the least clue what he’s doing.

He articulated a lot of promises during the campaign about building a wall that Mexico would pay for (but it most certainly will not) and deporting millions of undocumented immigrants. That sort of thing doesn’t seem very in line with the idea of crafting “a bill of love” with respects to DACA recipients, anymore than his basically ending it by executive order did.

It really doesn’t make sense then, that Democrats should be faulted for the GOP deciding to hold both DACA and CHIP beneficiaries hostage in the continuing resolution debate. And yes, this is exactly what they had done, as Mitch McConnell, may his neck skin rise up to swathe his breathing holes, clearly Tweeted…

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What Actually ‘Made America Great’ in the First Place

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From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

The Nation of Islam leader called on Trump to “repent for all of the evils that America has done to us, to the peoples of the world.”

Was the treatment of blacks and Native Americans consistent with America’s Founding philosophy?

A resounding NO!!

America wasn’t made “great” because of the collectivism that makes slavery and other like evils possible. America is great because America was formed on the basis of the individualist principles that led to the abolition of slavery (along with other forms of political inequality).

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Shutdown: Days of Lies, Lies, and More Lies

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From Mark Bear at MadMikesAmerica:

As we enter the second day of the inexplicable government shutdown, the following is taking place: Instead of resolving the issues it appears Republicans are spending an inordinate amount of time on messaging the public and telling them that Democrats are to blame for their inability to govern as a party.

Lest anyone forget, Republicans hold the majority in both the House and Senate in addition to their guy in the Oval Office. So, it’s a rather preposterous claim, so indulge me as I offer an alternative explanation.

While I cannot with any level of certainty, tell you that the shutdown was something the Republican party wanted, there are those who argue this very point.

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