Tragic Death Exploited to Smear Immigrants

It’s human nature, I suppose. Never let the truth interfere with a good story.

It happened half a century ago. Until recently, I missed some aspects of those days. Mostly I missed the clarity.

Clarity is all over us again now, and it comes to me that maybe clarity wasn’t all that great, even in those days. Immigration, religion, skin color are all reasons, once again, for some to hate those on the other side. The other side of the skin, the other side of the border, the other side of God Almighty.

The incident from 50 years ago was a minor one. A bit of vandalism by an anti-war group had led to arrests. A neighbor asked me for my opinion. He was a beefy hardworking plumber. I was with my folks, visiting his home. I mumbled something about vandalism being wrong. He pressed me. Those unpatriotic thugs had gone too far, he said. It wasn’t enough that they hated America. Now they were breaking laws, destroying property. I could see that, right?

It was clear he had not read the latest news. So I told him.
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4 Good Reasons Why Franklin Graham Has No Biblical Clue

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From Mark Bear at MadMikesAmerica:

I apologize to those of you who are not of a faith orientation due to hypocritical behavior by those who call themselves “Christians.” I also ask your forgiveness that White Evangelical leaders have not only supported Trump but continue doing so, despite the persistent worldly behavior engaged in by him.

In addition, I also apologize to each of you if I have ever engaged in behavior that does not mirror that which I personally and publicly profess. I offer this apology, not to those who are IN the Church, but to those of you who will never step foot inside a church due to this blatant hypocrisy.

Apparently, my “White Evangelical” friends cannot seem to stop placing obstacle upon obstacle in front of those who want nothing to do with the modern-day church. I need to be clear here: I do not EXPECT Trump to “act” as though he were a Believer because for him to do so, would be clearly disingenuous.

After all, he is on record stating he “never has asked for forgiveness,” because he frankly does not believe “he has ever done anything which requires him to do so.” Just so we are all clear: This answer was provided to a media personality in a “Christian” environment. And despite THAT answer, the media personality interviewing Trump was just fine with Trump’s response, and so were 81% of those who self-profess being “Christians” in this nation; those labeled “White Evangelical.”

However, I also want to be clear here about an ancillary issue: Not all of us are like those leaders who find every justification under the sun for Trump’s worldly behavior. Many of us are disgusted with Trump and those evangelical leaders providing such excuses for him.

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David Brooks is Sean Hannity. Really.

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From driftglass:

I have been writing about Mr. David Brooks since I started blogging. Almost 13 years now. And I can tell you one thing that is absolutely true: David Brooks and Sean Hannity are in the exactly same business.

Seriously. Exactly the same business.

Of course, Sean Hannity’s customers are more “inbred trailer trash” —

— while David Brooks’ clientele are more Bert Cooper —

— but Mr. Brooks and Mr. Hannity are most assuredly in the same business.

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Christian Nationalism and Other Heresies

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From John Pavlovitz:

God doesn’t bless America.

That’s not how this works.

I’m sorry to break it to you, Bible Belt Christians—but that’s just how it is.

I know this kinda wrecks the convenient narrative you’ve been working for the past 60 or so years (and hitting especially hard the past eighteen months), but honestly that nasty bit of heresy has done enough damage already and it needs to go. It’s straight-up of the devil.

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About that Census

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From Infidel753:

Why does the cost of the census go up so much every decade? Well, the population is larger each time, of course, but not by nearly enough to explain the huge increases in cost. A big part of the reason is probably that rising public resistance to participating. And why is that happening? Well, a big chunk of the population is just paranoid about government, but even those who are not are naturally resentful of the ever-increasing intrusiveness of the census questions. It wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of the non-Constitutionally-mandated data collected over the last few decades is inaccurate, given the natural tendency of people to put false answers on their forms out of sheer annoyance.

Unlikely as it is, I’d like to see the Democrats make an issue of this for the coming election.

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Full Speed Backwards!

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From Max’s Dad:

This college sophomore, a young woman from Colorado, set up this booth to get people to sign on and “monitor” the University professors to make sure they dont teach anything bad to impressionable young people. You know, like the earth is round or there was actually slavery at one time in this nation’s history, or god forbid, that Donald Trump is an uncouth loud traitor. A demonstration began involving people who think this young woman may have been in line with the Charlottesville gang of punks very fine people who killed a woman by running her over with a car. Words got exchanged. One grad student got a bit honest carried away and screamed at the young snowflake and called her a “neo-fascist”. This caused the young sophomore to cry. Another demonstrator, an actual professor holding a “Turning Point: Put Me On Your Watchlist” was caught on video comforting this poor little sensitive conservative. Then it all ended.

This incident caused 3 state senators to throw a shitfit that their point of view was being stifled by libtards people on the UNL faculty. That’s when the Governor, Pete Trump Ricketts stepped in also to begin threatening the university budget, as long as it didnt affect the 4-8 football team of course. Ricketts, who got every bit of his fortune from his Daddy, started to open his wallet which scares the shit out of any Nebraskan who doesnt want to be ruled by an autocratic trust fund baby.

The grad student, also a lecturer, was asked not to return to campus. The Professor went on with her year, knowing there was some squealing snitch someplace monitoring her every move.

This is where the Nebraska Navy comes in.

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Trump Responds to Porter News

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From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

I don’t know if we could have expected anything better from Trump than wishing the best of luck to outgoing Deputy Chief of Staff Rob Porter amid allegations from three women that he is guilty of domestic assault. Trump is sure to remind us that we should not forget that Porter himself says that he is innocent, which is something we could also say of Trump with respect to the twenty or so women who allege he has harassed or assaulted them. I will also remember that Porter said that Colbie Holderness and he were arguing over a vase, and she received a black eye because the vase somehow hit her. Vases are sneaky like that.

In his public statement, it can be noted that he doesn’t mention Porter’s accusers, which is just as well, because in private, he apparently thinks they are lying.

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U.S. Military Heightens Security Against Precocious Children

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From The Onion:

ARLINGTON, VA—In what many are calling a long-overdue response to a clear weak spot in the defenses of U.S. military facilities, the Pentagon issued a new series of security guidelines Friday after confirming another group of precocious children had infiltrated a base and rescued an alien friend.

The Defense Department, which has acknowledged six such incidents in the past year alone, said the updated protocols would be implemented at all domestic military installations, eliminating the security flaws that currently allow any building housing an extraterrestrial to be accessed by a scrawny kid whose friends convince him to squeeze through the ventilation shaft. The new directives also reportedly prohibit checkpoint guards from waving through 12-year-olds who pull up in their mom’s station wagon, display their older brother’s driver’s license, and claim to be catering a party for the base commander.

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